I Boycott American products because I’m 3 ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ recessions deep and cannot afford them
I don’t want to see you flying your colonial-ass flag Canada, I want to see you supporting small, local, and indigenous owned businesses. Be pro-people, don’t be pro-country.
I boycott products because I’m a freaking cheapskate.
there is problems with the buy european movement as outlines in other comments here, but as an American: please continue boycotting us, the chances of our government changing for the better are slim, but every bit of protest matters.
Boycut companies with too much market power. They just happen to be quite concentrated in the US.
As an American…
send help :(
I don’t get it
Pro-Euro vs anti-US. The “buy European” movement is generally occupied by a mixture of genuine anti-US protestors, as well as various European nationalists. Kinda like how cottagecore got captured by the far-right, the lack of a cohesive line is leading to some groups pushing Euro-flavored fascism as an alternative to US-flavored fascism, as far right parties increasingly gain ground in the EU.
You can’t generalize so much, the reasons are much broader. It is mainly that it is not desirable that a single country controls the largest part of the internet, and until now that the EU depends almost entirely to applications and services of the US, which, especially in the current situation and the policy of Trump, this dependency and subordination will have dire consequences. Is to promote the technology of european, to convert the EU as a sovereign state at the height of the eye with the current giants technologicas that account for all the market, many times abusive. Monopolies are never desirable, because they tend to be destructive…
Generalizations will always miss finer details, I agree, but this is a phenomenon I have noticed.
The main reason, at least for me, is the mencioned. Too long the EU was the Frog, boiled by the US.
I don’t hate all Americans, I’ve met some really cool ones over the years. But I do hate its fake democracy, its vulgar, parasitic oligarchs, its deceitful propaganda networks and the lust for war and global domination that drenches all three.
American exceptionalism is basically a circle-jerk.
I’m an American,and I boycott US products because they’re shit quality.
Before all this we used to say “Chinese quality, German price”
That’s the most accurate description that I have ever heard.
You serious? I get great US made clothes.
You boycot american products because you think you are american.
I don’t because America is a continent not a single country.
Hi, nice to meet you. Where are you from? America. Oh, like Mexico or Chile?
It’s always fun to see their faces :)
This. I’ve gotten some pushback on it, but I believe the US shouldn’t own the term “American”. I say that as a US American.
They don’t “own” anything. In multiple languages another correct way to name them is the equivalent of Unitedstadian, this is true for French and Spanish.
So… USian?
I hate this argument. The term America has been used to refer to the US for so long now that it’s colloquially the same.
The term “USian” is just as bad as “American” if you really give a fuck about the names of countries because the USA is not the only “United States” they could be part of either. If you’re gonna try to find a word that is instantly recognizable as “citizen of the United States of America” why not just use the one that literally billions of people already use every day?
Because we don’t agree with the US’s imperialist co-option of that term to exclude the majority of americans.
How about we call them “Union Members” seeing as they’re part of “the Union” as decreed by their founding fathers? Instead of bulldozing over all of the other “United States” in America and the world by replacing the imperialist “American” with the… Somehow less imperialist “United States Ian”?
why not just use the one that literally billions of people already use every day
If you’re speaking Spanish, and that’s the colloquial term in your region, yes. That’s exactly how linguistics work.
Could be wrong, but I think that might only be true for English.
In Spanish, American (the demonym) translates to “estadounidense” and in French there’s “étasunien” that basically translate to “USian”. While some get offended, it’s more accurate and avoids the automatic imperialism.
What is the official name of Mexico?
Meh hee koh.
So are you being intentionally obtuse or just can’t be bothered to debate in good faith?
Soooo, when will all this anti-US consumerist movement result in those Levis 501 jeans I’ve been eyeing dropping in price?
I’m hoping for the perfect intersection of price drop and waistline drop.
Never because Levi’s still wants to make money.
I boycott american products because they simply are not worth their price
That’s a pretty Liberal take from someone using a “Lemmygrad” account.
a liberal take would be to consume something only based by its place of origin
I don’t see how it’s liberal, Marxists don’t take a vow of poverty or reject the laws of economics. US-made products generally are higher priced compared to equivalent performance due to Imperialism inflating costs of production in the Global North.
Fair enough.
Test great success!
Anti-imperialism would make more sense. The US is not the only asshole… (Edit: Just the current worst one.)
When it comes to contemporary imperialist assholery the US is #1 by far. Since after WW2 they’ve been nothing but shitting on humanity, between the CIA installing puppet dictators to wars (open and secret) killing tens of millions. The list of countries they have fucked with is too long to post here.
And now their former closest allies are annexation targets.
The USSR was a shitty little bitch during her heyday, too. Worse than the US? I’m not sure. Eastern Europe and South America probably have a major difference of opinion there.
In the last few decades I feel like Russia may have the US beat?
If you seriously think either the USSR or modern Russia were/are worse than the USA, you need some perspective.
Certainly not, but currentky very high in the ranking.
You think we’re the worst country on the planet at the present moment in 2025? Interesting.
Yes. The vast extent of the negatives of maintaining a brutal Empire and the dedication towards thoroughly punishing anyone going against that system makes the US Empire the worst country on the planet.
The US empire currently maintains an imperialist network of over 800 military bases in 70 countries. (For comparison, all other countries combined have only 30 bases)
I’m not looking at opportunity for evil as a metric, just actual evil. Do you think the us causes the most direct suffering?
Absolutely, yes. No other country comes anywhere near what the US empire inflicts on the world daily.
Where is the comparison metric?
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I’ve noticed a significant drop in people using the phrase “America bad” as a mocking jibe, since it no longer really works as a hyperbolic statement.
“Fuck America” is more common these days.
It’s too easy to reply “it is” at this point for sure.