What YouTube killed are YouTube instances by limiting the number of request per IP address.
What YouTube killed are YouTube instances by limiting the number of request per IP address.
So websites are all made with these frameworks for three reasons. The first one is, it’s suppose to save an server cost. If a server can send parts of code and data at a time, it should be faster. Unfortunately bad web architects do not benchmarks these things. More server calls means more headers for the same amount of data. Web developers, for several reasons sometimes out of their control, do not handle errors properly like in the Chinese e-commerce site you mentioned. So yes, you are correct, it does suck and some pages would be better off as a flat page.
The second reason is culture. AJAX first started in the 90s when users were still on 56k modems. We needed pages to load faster or else the user thought it was dead or just too annoying to stay. So this became the culture. We are no longer mimicking paper, we are creating web apps, or programs. This stays with the culture now. I’ve seen single page websites do it where I actually think it’s detrimental.
The third reason user experience. This is in two parts which can be consider the same. The first is it’s not a familiar site, users want the app experience on a website or else they leave. The second which is the nearly same is if the page does not refresh, you keep the attention of the user for a lot longer. It’s like reading a really good book but there are no page turns or chapters. In social media, this is support important. eCommerce, adding items without a refresh is really important or else they might change their mind.
As for profits for users of a website, the algorithm should be something like this:
if( profitsFromOldDevices > (developmentTime+resources) )
Most of the time, this is false. Designers and developers and project managers take up a lot of money. People on really old devices are less likely to buy things. eCommerce sites know this, and advertisers know this.
When I say older devices, I meant over 2 decades old. The latest Firefox can still be installed in Android 5, which came out over a decade ago.
As for e-waste, I am not an expert on that but seeing how much electricity a Pentium 3 desktop can take, a $200 dollar smart phone can save the person money very quickly.
As for Apple, they are greenwashers but they probably have the best recycling program out of all the top hardware manufacturers. I’m sure companies like the Fairphone are leagues better though.
As for YouTube, I’m going to guess it’s going run decently if you have a fairly recent browser. If you have Javascript turned off, Google can’t get much info off the user. So this is their way of forcing updating.
You don’t need to apologize about ranting. Have you seen how long my post? This is your post. Do as you wish. Have fun.
The security holes are feature. They can blame them on AI and still allow friends of Trumps to take all the info they need without Trump having to deliver it himself.
If you have the funds, please support Internet Archives.
Oh the author is here. Thank you for the article.
Here are some of my thoughts of some of your points as professional web developer for startups to some of the biggest companies in the world.
Your first point of developers getting dependent on a framework or library doesn’t really matter. Look at the average developer’s resume with 6 years of experience. They have a lot of things listed because this is what the culture is. We have to learn or miss the opportunity working for a company that uses React rather than Angular.
Besides a professional setting, learning the new hip thing and talking about why it sucks, is programming culture and human nature.
I think this topic can be its own article especially since any contribution to open source even if it from corpos, is not bad to me but moving on.
what I am going to write next is what good web architects do. I am not saying they all do this.
Web architects look at stats of their current users or target users. They have to find a balance of server performance and user experience. Some even have a list of old devices just to test out the results to make a decision on what devices should be excluded.
You showed a video of old tech using the internet now. Some of those devices are less powerful than Raspberry Pis now. Those devices aren’t even meant to handle a flat high res image. Also this is rare. Should a company spend thousand of dollars for every unique User Agent they get? No, especially since those are easily spoofed.
You are right about some sites slowing down because of JS but a lot of those, like on your own website which uses a lot of Google code, use code to stream a video in tiny bits. It makes the experience of the user a lot better. It takes a lot of logic to predict how many chunks video a user will use at a given time. I definitely wouldn’t wait for a 50 mb video to stutter and load on website.
Other examples like infinite scrolling aka doom scrolling. Social media use lazy loading for images an videos. Try shoving hundreds videos and high res images with sound on a page. It would be horrendous for the user. People would log off. Say what you want about doom scrolling, but it does its job keeping users on the page.
If you want to blame Javascript, you should also blame browsers since they run the code. Firefox is at version 135. Version 1 was less than 9 mb. Version 25 is at 45 mb. Version 50 is at 82 mb. Version 100 is at 121 mb. Version 135 is at 151 mb. You want to look at slow downs, make sure you have enough RAM is run the apps you are using.
I enjoy this topic and would enjoy what you think about what I wrote. Again, than you for posting.
This is a huge deal.
More people should be fighting this.
Giving this much power to corporations isn’t right.
If all else, copyright owners of any media should have the same power so they can effective end AI from stealing their content.
They are trying to see what they can get away with.
Banning IP ranges isn’t going to work. A lot of these companies rent out home IP addresses.
Also the point isn’t just protecting content, it’s data poisoning.
That’s the reason for the maze. These companies have multiple IP addresses and bots that communicate with each other.
They can go through multiple entries in the robot.txt file. Once they learn they are banned, they go scrape the old fashioned way with another IP address.
But if you create a maze, they just continually scrape useless data, rather than scraping data you don’t want them to get.
Hi all to those who wish to mock the founder of budget Vietnamese airline.
You should know your data is always up for sale so if you do plan on doing some mocking and you plan on visiting Vietnam ever in your lifetime, create a new, fake Facebook account using Tor, a VPN, or go to your local cafe with WiFi.
A couple of years ago, I started two other Instagram accounts besides my personal one. I needed to organize and have more control of what content I want to see at times I choose. One was mostly for combat sports, other sports, and fitness. The second one was just food.
The first one, right off the bat showed me girls with OnlyFan accounts in the discovery page. Then after a few days, they begin showing me right wing content, and alpha male garbage.
The second one, the food account, showed alternative holistic solutions. Stuff like showing me 10 different accounts of people suggesting I consume raw milk. They started sending me a mix of people who just eat meat and vegans.
It’s really wild what these companies show you to complete your profile.
Because he is the puppet master.
This is to help Elon Musk control TikTok without actually having to buy all of it.
The government share are going to be non-voting shares.
If WP Engine contributed nothing, then why steal their custom fields plugin?
Texas here. There was an influx of techie movers from blue states during the pandemic. Abbott won. Trump won. Even Rafael Cruz won, and no body likes that guy.
He works for the USA. The government isn’t allowed to hinder free speech ESPECIALLY criticism of the government. That’s the main reason why it was there in the first place.
Why did Jimmy Carter sell his peanut farm but Elon Musk get’s to keep his propaganda machine?
How did you get gender and sexual orientation from anything I said?
OP looks like a blogger on Substack.
I got this by going to his page.
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