Do you need a big S A R C A S M label to get it?
Do you need a big S A R C A S M label to get it?
Better a terrible end than unending terror
The orange nutjob found his new favourite threat
But most of the 30-40% who didn’t vote seem to be okay with Trump too. Added together that’s more than half of the US.
Form follows function, who gives a shit how something looks when it’s useful?
Humanity wins again, take that meteor!
Life is hard and unfair
Humanity will be just another dead branch on the tree of life
The dinosaurs got wiped out and new life flourished. The same will happen again.
Sorry for assuming
Bold of you to assume that whatever you have over there ever qualified as democracy.
That sounds to good to be true
Isn’t that what made them big back in the day?
Must be a different EU
Maybe we fight the next world war on American soil
Just look at Russia
Damn, that shit is even hotter
We achieved perpetuum mobile
German democracy ends at the ballot box