After the cops steal my car?
After the cops steal my car?
But also these cameras also solve a problem much faster and just seems like common sense whereas trying to fix some abstract core Zeitgeist that may or may not solve the issue isnt much to sink our teeth into. It’s like someone asking you to fix their toilet and you’re like “well what is a toilet and maybe the issue is you don’t earn enough money to pay a plumber” like great, you’re right in one regard, but the toilet is broken and you could fix it
How sweet would it be if cops did their job though. Like if they actually used the images to arrest the guy breaking into people’s cars at night.
No hacker group ever got their hands on this data?
Surprising that this data never heard gets leaked. It’s always my social security number
"Just stay away* will only bring it in faster. You need resistance
It’s like when Mom says “just ignore the bullies” a strategy that bullies thrive on because they can bully and know you’ll walk away
It’s like the Nazis how they tried to make everything the same
This is why the left can’t have nice things.
Like this isn’t the point here. You don’t need to be pointing out this stuff. Just dog pile
Just want to say how much I appreciate Lemmy.
Reddit is censoring a lot of posts about this. There’s nothing but jokes here. Reddit is only allowing them most luke warm takes
Parappa the scrappa
Could also be that those are the only porns with even a half assed attempt at a plot instead of just opening with a ground and pound
Why do they need to hit a website like that? Wouldn’t it just need to scrape the data and frig off. What is the point of creating that much traffic
No it won’t. Media already laid the groundwork for people to hate on AI. Now they will keep focus on areas where when you read it we all come to the same common sense legislation solution. Then will come a bill to strip us of more things that made the internet awesome and we will cheer. Web scrapping and data sharing can fuck off. Pirates sent to North Korean prison camps. Sharing accounts with family, you’re flagged for an audit. Nintendo modders, more like criminals.
It will be the way we have all come to hate AI. Patriot act 2.0
What’s being stolen
Isn’t there a way to limit requests so that traffic isn’t bringing down your servers
I don’t think it’s the same at all. Building code issue the same as building physical vehicle parts. All it’ll mean is that any company that uses strictly AI will be beat by a company using AI plus developers because the developers will just add AI as another tool in their toolbox to develop code.
A lot of people spent many many nights wasting away at learning some niche arcane knowledge and now are freaking out that a kid out of college can do what they can with a cool new machine. Maybe not fully what they do but 70% there and that makes them so hateful. They’ll pull out all these articles and studies but they’re just afraid to face the reality that their time and life was wasted and how unfair life can be
Can’t be logical here. This is a topic that’s like discussing immigration with Republicans.
How would a Cam do that?
Maybe like a health department that collects samples at treatment plants to identify the spread of disease. It’s an invasion of privacy. But also doesn’t mean it’s not a benefit to it.