The UN is defunct. Why the hell would they create a international governing body that can be vetoed by one of several adversarial super powers? (rhetorical)
The UN is defunct. Why the hell would they create a international governing body that can be vetoed by one of several adversarial super powers? (rhetorical)
Totally unheard of! Bombing cities?! Don’t they know innocent people live there? Like putting “strategic targets” in densely population centers? It’s like Isreal is using its people as human shields. Israeli people should leave those areas if they don’t want to be caught up in the fighting.
Blow back implies it’s the person who (UN sanctioned terrorist Isreal and America) is the aggressor hurts themselves by harming others.
That’s not the message or point I was making. I’m not blaming the victims. Just read my other replies.
That’s what they said 100 years ago and it got a little bit better but it’s far worse than even those people would have thought. If you think those in power won’t drive everyone of a cliff to make a buck you are in for a surprise. Wealthy people are literally planning to escape earth over giving up any money or power. I’m not doom spiraling I just want more people to wake up and stand up for their fellow humans before it’s too late.
And whatever blindfolded bigotry is in these areas they are justifying with their actions. Do they think someone who just had their lives, friends and family blown up or stolen by Israel is going to think rationally? I’d tell you what I’d do in the Palestinians shoes but it’ll probably get me on a FBI watch list.
WW3 is the something worse. I don’t see how this goes any other way. China and Russia will back Arab nations to stick it to the US if our troops get involved. (we just sent 10k troops to the region as “peace keepers and advisors” totally won’t backfire like very other time) We are moving away from the proxy War phases and straight into full on global war.
Well if you don’t realize in today’s world you are either useful in a way dictated by vastly wealther people or you starve. So in a world with literally zero global compassion (meaning those in power who are in charge of keeping us safe) will cast you aside for an extra buck. If automation and innovation ment the emancipation of all humans to chase their passions, yes I’m all for it. But it’s not. The change is to fire the workers to increase profits. That doesn’t help anybody.
Lol has Lebanon declared war? Has Israel? Sounds like goal post moving to ignore the facts. Isreal is a Rogue nation backed by zionest, Christian nationalist, and the oligarchy. There’s no rational argument where killing 300 people to kill one man is acceptable.
Do you know what blow back is? You don’t just kill tens of thousands of innocent people, and displace/starve millions of people without creating more terrorists. Isreal told us what Hamas and Hezbollah wanted in negotiations. Stop the occupation, embargo, and settlements in Gaza and the west bank and return all land stolen in those areas. Isreal said no. Does that sound responsible for Isreal? No because they don’t want peace. They want the land and will kill everyone currently living on it. Top officials in the Israeli government has publicly said that’s what they want, but we’re still having this fucking discussion?! Nah fam, this is full on genicide. Do you honestly think the middle east will be more peaceful if Israel gets everything they want? Buckle up buckaroo, next stop WW3.
This will lead to WW3. Plus the blow back will be endless. You can’t murder tens of thousands of people, and displace and starve millions with out creating terrorists.
True but for self preservation I’d be shocked if the Supreme Court takes it up. Reports are that they (the Supreme Court) are in full blown panic over their lost and sinking reputation. Looking at the leaks that for Trump’s immunity case and the roe v wade overturning. It’s chaos in the court and I’ll bet anything one conservative justice will retire in Harris wins and two will retire if Trump wins.
The forced birthers don’t have a credible respond to the judges decision. The judge words are cold stone facts about this issue. Anyone who thinks they can tell women what to do and not do with their bodies either are low level religious nut jobs, middle level politicians trying to make a buck, or high level oligarchs that need a poor, unhealthy, uneducated, and subservient population. None of those people should be in charge of a toaster oven let alone deciding on what happens to someone else’s body.
They need extra reasons to think critically. There are still those that think George Floyd deserved to be killed on the street because of his criminal past and drug addiction. Or the recent executions of known innocent black men. Most white southerns and Republicans still like a good old lynching.
Well you see, being black in America means guilty until proven less guilty. Every story about the justice system harming a black person needs extra fluff to make the black person more sympathetic. Otherwise the predominantly white population can’t relate. It’s not like the police would arrest them for being a good neighbor.
So they have slaves essentially
Isreal wants a war in the middle east to force America’s hand. Their main goal is to sway more evangelical Christians to vote for Trump who will wipe every adversarial Muslim country off the map. I’m not saying Biden does not have a hand in the ongoing conflict and genicide in the area. Right now the democrats are the party enabling these atrocities right now. I’ll never complain about those that make this fact a sticking point on how they are going to vote. Outside of the globe environmental catastrophe that will doom all humans, I don’t see a bigger issue to get behind than stopping an ongoing genicide. I’m voting for the democrats but I’m also protesting against the democratic party that is helping genicide. I’m marching with my fellow Palestinian brothers and sisters. Don’t just shout down those with legitimate hangups about voting for Harris/the democrats. Try to understand why they feel that way and push your representatives to publicly support Palestinian rights and now Lebanese rights. Even if the dems win if they don’t change course on this issue, we’ll all pay one way or another.
When you train your base to be militant whenever they don’t get their way, you can be assured that you will always be on the chopping block. Look up the French revolution. Or even the fascist uprisings in Germany and Italy. I fighting will happen because you created an environment in which decent is punishable with death.
Meanwhile corporations steal billions through white collar crime and the police do nothing. Nearly all blue collar crime is due to poverty and white collar crime creates more poverty. If police really wanted to stop crime they’d be pouring over corporations accounting to find the stolen money.
I said rhetorical… But it makes the UN pointless. Each side is doing unspeakable harm to innocent people and the whole point was to prevent another World War. Look at us now. Literally one presidential election away from WW3, hoping that Harris will bring Isreal to heel.