That’s exactly why it’s good advice, you can’t run as well so take it easy with consistent effort
That’s exactly why it’s good advice, you can’t run as well so take it easy with consistent effort
is this a meme about uhh female people talking to you or something
enlighten me I’m stupid and socially inept
Yea it is
Fediverse has grown big enough for this to occur
Update: someone needs to host the bot since both are dead, sadge
@[email protected] 10 seconds
@[email protected] 10 seconds “test”
does this command work
Powershell is c# under the hood, no? It’s a pretty comprehensive programming language beyond anything bash does if you get down to it
I just can’t with the syntax though
What kind of inefficent shitscape is your business that adding a new app functionality is easier, cheaper and faster than hiring more, better paid people?
Hold on, maybe this is a method of appeasing the stock holders to improve trust in them, backing out might cause people to back away
Wait, this could also be a temporary measure as they hire more people, although the damage has already been done and will show itself next quarter
It is dumb, as long as your goal is to be as rich as possible and not be as powerful as possible
You will generate better profit from a rich population; they’ll also advocate for your business if you openly support their ascension, and you’d lose nothing in profits by doing so
But you do lose power. Power over people, and the benefit of doubt that the government won’t strike down on you if you appease, and the people will have more important shit to focus on now that their benefits are gone
Both parties did this, republicans can do it more outwardly without causing a split in parties
Oh no, not python!
It’s a simple bypass now that I test it
It sometimes thinks in foreign languages but when it doesn’t its hilarious to go into censorship mode when you ask it and it hits “tianenmen”
Organic maps does
No, Organic Maps works similarly to Google Maps and it’s all on your device and foss
Sorry, 1 million, bad math, in the 2023 elections the TİP (Turkish Workers Party) achieved 1.84% of the vote.
in turkey there are 400 thousand communists that always vote for minority parties and a fuck load more that vote for other parties because minority parties have no chance
This is in an extremely conservative country and you might see through that USA, Germany, Britain and alike have a higher percentage of such population
Loops isn’t as good and xiahongshu is fun in a seperate way than tiktok
Mastodon has around 1 million active users³ Bluesky has around 3.5 million active users²
Bluesky doesn’t have a decent way to see active user count, but it is likely higher than 3 million
Mastodon retains 10%, Bluesky retains 10% also, but I can’t confirm it
Edit: Using unique likes, it shows about 2 million active users on each day¹
Bsky Analytics¹ • Bsky Stats² • Mastodon Analytics³