No, Cuban slang for the pro-american exiles is Guasano (worm)
Evil tankie and Stalin’s little spoon
No, Cuban slang for the pro-american exiles is Guasano (worm)
You might need glasses then
What are you talking about, this is new
Apologies to George Orwell, I do not realize you were cooking with airstrip one
What goods /s
Are blatant lies a valid military target
Nonono, this lie was to kill the Lebanese, completely different
Nononono, you don’t get it, it’s the adult thing to hold your nose and vote for the polite fascist. That way we get to go back to grilling and not caring how we actively make the world worse
Some 195 shootings and 72 bombings have taken 30 lives this year alone and have undermined Swedish citizens’ sense of security across the country.
Am I too much of a burgerlander? How tf is this an epidemic.
…they [Israel] are the aggressors for occupying the space in the first place.
It is staring you in the face. Additionally Israel continues to illegally occupy Palestine and the Golan Heights and the Knesset voted to oppose a two state solution.
Seems a bunch learned which side of the gun to be on
Varmhinder ist für die kinder
So you’re saying Israel is implementing their Final Solution to the Palestinian question?
The swoletariat has risen!
Noooooo, you don’t understand, wholesome big chungus Ukraine is fighting off those barbaric orcs. We have to send all of the Ukrainian men onto the meat grinder or elsecivilization the west will fall!
And here I thought I couldn’t be any more boned
The owners of Jerusalem forcing Christians to pay an extra tax…
Hey, I’ve seen this one before!
Also Warcraft, it’s blatantly ripped from Warhammer
India: I consent
Iran : I consent
USA: isn’t there someone you forgot to ask
Oh yeah, I love Waterworld