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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I’ve done it, it’s a pretty ordinary track and not dangerous if you have some common sense. The top part by the pylon(near to OP’s picture) might be the best view I’ve ever seen! Take the steep part slowly and carefully especially if it’s wet, don’t go on a steep snow slope if you don’t have crampons and ice axe, take enough warm clothes and waterproofs for the alpine environment, take a map. It’s just because it’s so accessible, and people think that it’s going to be the same as the well built tourist roads like the West Matukituki and Rees-Dart.

    And watch out for the kea, they will stop at nothing to steal and destroy all your stuff.

  • Any digital image is actually red green and blue, those are the colors of the pixels on your monitor. When there’s enough of them your brain is tricked into seeing other colors. To get even more meta, all colors are just made up by your brain.

    So I don’t understand your distinction between black and white, and grayscale. Whether it’s a gray made of black and white pixels or a “pure gray” doesn’t matter, it can look the same. Unless it’s a style where the pixels are supposed to be visible, e.g. pointillism.

  • NZF said they wouldn’t work with Labor and Labor said they wouldn’t work with NZF. The voters would feel justifiably betrayed if they ignored those promises. And I see no reason why the left coalition would work together any better. Can you imagine NZF and TPM agreeing on anything?

    I don’t understand why the parties play the game of ruling in or out. Surely it’s better to pretend they will work with any other party, it puts them in a much stronger negotiating position.

  • Uhh, this garbage ewaste is still wasting people’s money. This piece of crap will not be able to run modern apps. There need to be more accessible used options at this price that will not be thrown in the garbage in a few months when she needs a functional phone.

    Sorry for the rant, I’m mad at Vodafone and PB tech for ripping you off and wasting your time, not you.

    I tried to find a reference to OEM that built it because there might be other identical phones with different names, but I couldn’t find any reference outside of NZ or AU. If you can’t find anything either, you could try to find a similar shaped phone using the gsmarena phone finder. https://gsmarena.com/search.php

    And yeah, Aliexpress and Temu are the best place for things like phone cases if you aren’t in a hurry.

  • That would be regulation of the banks. I believe the OCR is simply the interest rate that the banks can borrow money from the reserve bank. The banks can lend out money at whatever rate they want, it’s just market forces that keep their rate at around the OCR.

    In the current system of free market capitalism the banks have to be free to leech as much profit as possible from the people, no equitable regulation allowed.