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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • People are stupid and easily manipulated, it’s that simple. I’m including you or I in this statement as well. We might happen to be paying more attention to politics, but we’re likely fooled or mislead in other areas of our lives without noticing.

    No one has the bandwidth to pay attention to everything, so naturally some people autopilot on things they feel are too complicated or are uninteresting. When you autopilot then lots of things are taken at face value without critical thought, and without the historical knowledge to easily spot a trend or lie.

    So yeah, were stupid and apathetic when viewed as a large group and that’s unfortunate. Advertising (propaganda) has been fine tuned over the last 70 some years to exploit our weaknesses exceptionally well. Things will have to get really bad and demand the average person’s attention before they will focus it.

  • It’s a very slippery slope. Clearly land/business owners, race, gender, etc are not the way.

    Political fluency? A test to see if you’ve been following current events and can answer basic questions? The positives would be a more informed pool of electorates, but it would also substantially diminish the amount of voters, exclude those that have grievances but don’t have time for politics, and the questions could be manipulated by the current government to exclude voters likely to vote for the opposition.

    I also don’t know what the answer is. I’m leaning towards this being a symptom of dysfunction rather than something that needs an easy workaround. If we can actually tackle poverty and bring education up people will be much more likely to vote rationally, but I don’t know how we get there WITH thr current system we have.