I don’t understand people, I’ve been old for years now. Once I passed 30 I accepted my oldness.
Fuck that noise. I’ll say I’m old when I feel old and I don’t yet feel old. Older, sure. But not old.
Oh, well I feel old.
i’m with ya pal.
same. i feel the slowness creeping into my brain and body. i can fight it off but it’s draining.
Oh no, the brain, too?!
I have used floppies in my life. That automatically qualifies me as old, regardless of how I feel.
Well aren’t you lucky with your not feeling old! I bet you dont even make a noise when you sit up, do ya!
No, I exercise so that doesn’t happen.
I like to say that once you hit 30 you’re old, then every 10 years thereafter you get another “really” in front of it. So at 40 you’re really old, 50 it’s really really old, 60 is really really old, etc. I find it amusing when people argue, to which my retort is that when any of us were ~20 we thought 30 was old, and that hasn’t changed in the world…
when any of us were ~20 we thought 30 was old
Well, not me.
We’re you dating a 30 year old at 20?
Lol, no. But i only started to think about age around 30.
I’ll consider myself old when I pass the median age for where I live
Reminded me of a Terry Pratchet line.
“What doesn’t die, doesn’t age. What doesn’t age, doesn’t learn. What doesn’t learn, doesn’t live.”
“What doesn’t eat, doesn’t shit”
So beautiful…
I have a strange relationship with this thought. I grew up hanging around kids who were much older than me, and I looked a lot older than I was, so I didn’t have that period a lot of kids do where they think 25 or 30 is old.
Also, my parents had me later than is typical (Mom was 35, Dad was 40), so they were in their 50s when I was a teen, and that just seemed like normal adult age to me.
If you had asked me at what age I considered someone to be old, I probably would have said around 60 for most of my life. I’m in my early 60s now, and I can’t decide if I feel differently about it. I don’t really have a problem considering myself old: my kids are adults, I’m getting ready to retire, etc. On the other hand, it feels like there’s a huge difference between 60s old and 70s or 80s old.
Oh, and though my opinions on a lot of things have evolved over the decades, I don’t feel different mentally (I don’t just mean sharpness, but the way I approach things and my outlook). But my back is stiff if I sit for too long.
I don’t think I’m representative though.
Growing old is manditory. Growing up is optional.
cute, but get old enough and the lines **do **cross.
When I was 20 I decided 1-30 the various stages of young, 30-60 middle aged, 60-90 elderly, 90+ bonus stage.
Worked so far.
Don’t sunbathe, wear sunscreen, don’t smoke, consume edibles instead.
Ha ha, the days I spent in front of my computer are finally paying off!!
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It’s like $15 for a bottle.
deleted by creator
I go the opposite way:
I’m old, & the defect of being too young to understand is just below my age.
: p
The lines are parallel until you get struck with an old issue. Eyesight going, knees/bones hurting, those damned kids.
Then the old line quickly dips under your age and continues on its parallel path.
Yup. My two lines immediately went together when I had to get progressive lenses on my glasses.
Old in my eyes is around 50 to 60
That doesn’t mean I’m young though. 32 and age is creeping on me. I’m in the middle age part of life
I wasnt old til i got fitted for aftermarket replacement parts
I was told, at 36, that I’m ‘still young’ by my doctor. Lady, I’m literally halfway through life if you assume the average American lifespan of 72. That’s not young. I’m LITERALLY middle-aged.
72? That seems kinda low, but then I guess I know why.
Edit: but having made it to 36 actually gives you better odds
I need to be using Wolfram Alpha more
Wow! Super neat.
It’s really good and has been around for years before this ai stuff.
Edit: I used to help with my calculus homework back in the day for example. It was the first site I saw that was pretty good at understanding human language input like 15 years ago.
Your second link is really impressive. I tried adding white and it couldn’t compute but I’m also Canadian and there may be less data.
Huh. The more you know.