[VIDÉO] Selon nos informations, le fondateur et PDG de la messagerie sécurisée Telegram a été interpellé ce samedi soir à l'aéroport du Bourget. Pavel Durov, franco-russe de 39 ans, était accompagné de son garde du corps et d'une femme. - INFO TF1/LCI : le fondateur et PDG de la messagerie Telegram interpellé en France (Police, justice et faits divers) - TF1 INFO
All modes of transportation should be abolished because every day they’re used in kidnappings, murders, and drug deals. At the very least, we should allow warrantless searches of all people based on the gut feeling of militant high school dropouts. That certainly won’t be abused.
All modes of transportation should be abolished because every day they’re used in kidnappings, murders, and drug deals. At the very least, we should allow warrantless searches of all people based on the gut feeling of militant high school dropouts. That certainly won’t be abused.