A top Iranian military commander has warned that his country will hit Israel’s entire infrastructure if it takes any action against its territory.
Iran’s armed forces joint chief of staff Gen. Mohammad Bagheri said Wednesday that the Revolutionary Guard was prepared both defensively and offensively to repeat its missile attack with “multiplied intensity.”
“If the Zionist regime, that has gone insane, is not contained by America and Europe and intends to continue such crimes, or do anything against our sovereignty or territorial integrity, tonight’s operation will be repeated with much higher magnitude and we will hit all their infrastructure,” he said.
Israel’s U.N. ambassador says his government will decide when and how to respond to Iran’s barrage of close to 200 ballistic missiles that forced Israel’s 10 million population into bomb shelters. “But I can tell you one thing, it will be noticed,” he said. “It will be painful.”
The U.N. Security Council has scheduled an emergency meeting on the escalating situation in the Middle East for Wednesday at 10 a.m., at the request of France and Israel.
Ryder said two U.S. Navy destroyers — the USS Cole and the USS Bulkeley — fired about a dozen interceptors to defend Israel in the latest attack.
He decried reports indicating Iran wants to de-escalate tensions in the region.
“You don’t launch that many missiles at a target without the intent on hitting something,” Ryder said.
Well, I can pretty much guarantee one thing – given the international situation, Russia is gonna veto any action against Iran at the UNSC, so Israel isn’t looking for UNSC action in calling for the UNSC to convene.
Countries don’t need UNSC signoff to defend themselves, though.
I think that there may be an obligation to notify the UNSC, though, if a country is taking military action in defense of itself or another country with which it has a collective security agreement.
kagis for the UN Charter
Ah, yeah, here it is.
Article 51
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
So I suppose that it’s good odds that that’s what this is.
Russia is gonna veto any action against Iran at the UNSC, so Israel isn’t looking for UNSC action in calling for the UNSC to convene.
And the US will run cover for Israel, which I suspect is the point of raising the issue in an emergency session. Similar to a vote being raised in congress on a bill or resolution that is known to fail, sometimes the point is just to have the opposition go on record about the issue.
Israel is circling the wagon while domestic pressure for policy change is high.
As ghandi once said, “An eye for an eye and the whole world…ahh… fuck it…we’re fucked”.
As zionists say, “we’ll murder your kids and steal your home, then cry about having to use our bazillion dollar missile shield.”
That’s my Civilization Ghandi.
(I know that is a bit of a myth yet in this case I think it’s topical)
As Jinnah once said, “Lmao I told you we’re screwed”.
Biden’s refusal to reign in bibi is going to get trump elected
Good thing Biden isn’t running anymore.
The actions of the president are going to have an impact on the upcoming election that doesn’t change just because 1 party subbed in a new candidate with the exact same policy positions
This literally couldn’t turn out any other way.
Genocide Joe could stop this at any time with a phone call.
That’s as silly as Trump claiming he could stop it (or the Russian invasion of Ukraine) with a single phone call.
Israel has been fighting against its neighbors since its inception.
No one saw that coming
I wonder how far back you’d have to go in order to find the original incident that set off this enormous chain of retaliations. Probably at least 5,000 years.
Bout 80 years actually. The current conflict is settler colonists fighting natives. The religious justification is just that, justification with no history support. Just classic colonization and ethnic cleansing of natives.
I’d probably push it back to a little over 100 years to include WWI, the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the British Mandate for Palestine, since that all set the stage for Israel being founded pretty directly, and there had already been a pretty substantial movement for Jews to immigrate to the region by about the '30s (known as the “Fifth Aliyah”) so a bit outside of your 80 year range.
But of course, none of these events happen in a vacuum, if you want to get really nitpicky, you can start talking about the events that led to world war 1, trace them way back, through the crusades, the birth of Muhammad, Christianity, the Roman empire, all the way back to the bronze age, and maybe even further if you were able to somehow find decent historical records going that far back.
Trying to point to one single event as the one that kicked off a certain conflict is tough, because there was always something that led up to that event too, and when you try to unravel it, before too long you might come to a very Douglass Adams-y conclusion that it all started when our first ape ancestors decided to come down from the trees, only for someone else to say that the trees had been a mistake in the first place and that we never should have left the oceans.
Jewish settlers 80+ years ago bought their land legally. Meaning they legally own the land. Such classic colonization. Somehow after the ethnic cleansing they were left with 10x the population they started with. Seriously cleansed them didn’t they.
bought the land legally doesn’t really mean much, the american settlers obtained their land ‘legally’ too.
“buying land doesn’t really mean much.” Tell that to the Palestinians who got upset when Jews moved into the land they sold to them. One thing it definitely means is the new owners might move in.
American settlers did obtain their land legally too. What’s your point? That to begin with, without us legally obtaining that land you wouldn’t have electricity. You wouldn’t have airplanes. You wouldn’t have a cell phone.
without us legally obtaining that land you wouldn’t have electricity. You wouldn’t have airplanes. You wouldn’t have a cell phone.
Peak coloniser mindset.
Palestinians had electricity and planes before the invasion. Gotta be the right mixture of racist and stupid to spout this nonsense.
Damn, I didn’t know that millions of dead native Americans were required for electricity to be invented. Who knew that without that genocide no human being would of ever come up with the cell phone. It’s like you believe that if we didn’t murder millions of natives that all human progress would of stopped
We didn’t murder millions of natives. Smallpox killed millions.
So because smallpox killed more than us, all the genocide we 100% did didn’t matter? What an argument. Trail of tears dumbass. Stealing children to force into boarding schools dumbass. Reservations dumbass. Near extermination of the Buffalo.
That to begin with, without us legally obtaining that land you wouldn’t have electricity. You wouldn’t have airplanes. You wouldn’t have a cell phone.
“Just look at all the capitalist treats you got out of our genocide, you ungrateful plebe”
Even if some of the land was bought legally, most was stolen.
And the title to a plot of land is no justification for founding a state and exercising political and military power over your neighbour, denying him sovereignity.
Manifest destiny was legal too. Tell it to the native American Indians that we got it legally. When you start talking legal and not moral, it’s because you know you have lost that morality.
So you’re saying that palestinians exist? Shocking admission.
What? Mate, it’s 1948 the date that the racist colony called Israel was founded on the bones of Palestinians.
Only the Zionists want you to think it’s a religious dispute.
Nah you just have to go back to the end of WWII when the the postwar allies decided it was easier to give all the Jews who survived the genocide Palestine. They armed them. Then let them push out the people who had been there for thousands of years out to create their new country. Its continued this entire time. There is a site somewhere that shows how isreal has steadily took over land that wasn’t given to them in the original agreement. Further more the document that established the new isreal guaranteed a Palestinian state which isreal has consistently prevented since their inception. All of this information can be found but you can bet isreal tries to suppress that as well. I’m done with isreal. WWII was fought in part to prevent their genocide. Now they are killing on that scale and can’t see the hypocrisy in their actions. It must gall them when someone with a Jewish heritage like Bernie Sanders takes action to prevent the US from enabling the genocide they are currently carrying out.
1920s max bruh, this is a colonial issue, especially since it was initially set off by Britain.
There’s plenty of documented media of Palestine existing rather normally as a loose collection of cities around the area. Lots of photographs and written logs of people who visited. Population was mostly Muslim and then Christian.
Before Britain, it was simply under control of the Ottoman empire.
It all set off when Britian made it a colony and set off a nationalization movement with the Balfour Declaration. It doesn’t matter that it was historically fought over by several civilizations, it’s just that GB didn’t want to deal with Jews either, and decide shipping them off to a colony was a good idea, since it worked well with Australia.
Zionism was fabricated in 1897.
wtf are you talking about
I dont get it, do both countries want to assure MADness?
Both countries are run by fundamentalist religious zealots who are certain they are doing the will of God. Don’t underestimate their willingness to turn the entire region to ash.
“both sides”… The hallmark of a garbage argument.
Zionists have been invading, stealing, and murdering for around 100 years. The plan is to steal much more than just palestine. This requires violent attacks throughout the middle east. It helps that the wider empire has also been attacking iran for oil, etc. since iran overthrew the colonial puppet.
The UN is defunct. Why the hell would they create a international governing body that can be vetoed by one of several adversarial super powers? (rhetorical)
Well for one thing, it’s not and is not intended to be an international governing body. What nation would choose to belong to such a thing?
Because otherwise the superpowers have zero incentive to participate at all.
I said rhetorical… But it makes the UN pointless. Each side is doing unspeakable harm to innocent people and the whole point was to prevent another World War. Look at us now. Literally one presidential election away from WW3, hoping that Harris will bring Isreal to heel.
People always shit on stuff they don’t understand. The UN was created so a world war would never happen again and they’ve been damn effective.
The UN isn’t some magical no war fairy, they try to resolve and encourage corporation but there are limits.
Zios gonna “retaliate” for terrorizing iranians for decades?
These imperial news sources are a joke.
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