We don’t need no friends, allies or influence when we can be bullying, a child’s concept of tough, looking up to other dictators like Putin and Erdogan. Im sure all it will take is loud threats of widespread tariffs and a stable
Genius who’s “great” at deals.
“Coincidentally” Apple might make sizable bribes independent donations to support the free and open re-election of
The fuhrer
I have no doubt the EU won’t have much mercy for American corporations going* forward.
My phone REALLY wants me to type gong. Gong gong gong gong gong.
We don’t need no friends, allies or influence when we can be bullying, a child’s concept of tough, looking up to other dictators like Putin and Erdogan. Im sure all it will take is loud threats of widespread tariffs and a stable Genius who’s “great” at deals.
“Coincidentally” Apple might make sizable
bribesindependent donations to support the free and open re-election of The fuhrerbro be like
Let me see that gong…gong gagong gong gong
Go ahead, this is a safe space. Get it out of your system.
When apple announced messaging would be cross platform nobody else adopted it. Any idea why?
Oh yeah one reason: Apple won’t be forced to open up iMessage by EU (2024)
In the eu literally nobody is using iMessage, so it doesn’t fall under dma laws.
Gong gong, gonging gong gong!