When TF will you start protesting??
There have been protests nearly weekly at this point, the media has been silent about most of them.
The weather is finally getting nice again. They’ll get too big to ignore.
They can just shoot microwaves or sonic blasts to disperse crowds these days. Cover all your bases
Seeing the video of that girl at Tufts getting abducted by the police, I don’t blame people if they are too afraid to protest.
I know there is a general strike being organised, hopefully that has a big impact.
Seeing the video of that girl at Tufts getting abducted by the police, I don’t blame people if they are too afraid to protest.
Land of the free and home of the brave.
The “Land of the Brave” but was completely belied by our response to the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks. We cried and lashes out at random thing until we hurt ourselves over and over.
Brave would have been standing strong and not trying to genocide the middle East writ large. Instead we did the PATRIOT act maneuver and removed our civil liberties before flushing our world leadership position down the toilet out of fear.
Wow. That is all it takes for you people to lose your balls?
Let me tell you about Wilhelm Blumberg. An ordinary citizen of Berlin, Germany, in 1934. When the OFFICIAL GERMAN GOVERNMENT (ruled by the NSDAP) put up swastika flags around his streets, Wilhelm got angry and tore them down. He was stopped by police who wanted to know what the fuck he thinks he’s doing. He answered: “What kind of bitch rag (Fotzenlappen) is this??? Let me shit on it real quick!”. He was apprehended.
Here is someone who stood up to literal Nazis. He is remembered. You however, will be forgotten. You seek safety in numbers, hoping the next impotent protest march will shield you from repercussions. You will be the first to run away when the tear gas rains down. Scampering back home and start scrolling X or tiktok or youtube or whatever baubles your rulers let you have for entertainment after a long hard day of doing nothing.
Everyone in the US, including myself, are guilty. In fact this post is mostly directed at myself. Each day where we are not shot or at least imprisoned is another day we have failed. Because it was another day of inactivity, of cowardice, of complicity. Another day where we valued our own fleeting life over liberty and justice for humanity or at least this country. That Tufts girl is disappeared because no one else did anything. You chose this. And let’s be real, you will continue to choose this.
There was one common line of defense for all defendants during the Nuremberg trials: “We only followed rules and orders”. “We didn’t know it was this bad”. “What was I supposed to do against this machine?”. Most of them got hanged. Most of us here should as well.
Thanks purpleskull, now I know that when I’m being mugged at gunpoint it’s better to be remembered than to be alive. Sure, there may have been an opportunity to make a difference at some point if you were still alive, but dammit you made a symbolic gesture and one day there will be an angry tough guy using you as an example for other people to follow.
It is comparing “dick to a finger” as we say in Baltics.
I think I need more information on this one. Is it like “got you by the balls” in English?
No, it’s more like comparing two things that might look similar but are actually are as different as day and night. Also before inbreds start commenting: yes, I know, anything can be dildo if you are brave enough.
Not angry, I prefer “passionate”. Well, I hope you make a difference someday.
I’ll watch the news for your contribution.
Where is the general strike? Do you mean https://generalstrikeus.com/ or is there another? If this then golly we need to start picketing on street corners. Sign-ups have slooooowed.
Why the down vote? This is a sincere question.
Fuck anyone who supports him or capitulates
Fascist collaboration
It’s like the end of Aladdin where Jefar got the lamp
I believe ADX Florence counts as “itty bitty living space”, I vote we skip to that part. Stuff Elon in with him as a substitute for Iago and we’re golden.
I wish to be the most powerful genie!
Trump is definitely dumb enough to fall for it, but there’s no genie to grant his wish.
As everyone knows Nazis love to good protest to beat into submission.
We do it anyway.
I protest often. There are protests practically daily in NYC.
That’s great to hear! It’s not covered in our national media (danish) very well.
They’re not covered in the states either. Most of us know not to bring phones to protests, so the crowd videos are pretty limited, but you can find some on TikTok and Instagram. The next big one is on April 5th. Keep an eye out on social media for posts.
I didn’t understand why a national wide on April 5. It should’ve been on the 2nd from Donald’s “big news” and then on the 20th.
Protests are bigger on the weekends.
Protesting against a government with ample amounts of 5th generation multi-role fighter aircraft, drones with Hellfire missiles, and plenty of rubes who are giddy at the prospect of shooting the populace they’d supposedly sworn to protect is a fool’s errand.
Wildcat strikes “are de wei”.
Forgot to include the rubes in GenPop that have sworn no such thing and are equally as (or more) giddy at the prospect of shooting those “neighbors” they have deemed deserving of being shot.
🙄 🙄
You mean bend over… they’re bending over and spreading their cheeks for the whole world to see.
We’ve crossed that effectiveness threshold already. Its time to grab your 2A or shut the fuck up.
Over on Reddit today I got the coveted “[Removed by Reddit]” award for a comment where I merely predicted that this would end in violence. This is the Fediverse and I can be a bit freer in saying that at this point that’s probably the better option for America, to make it absolutely clear what “side” the general public is on.
I doubt that America will choose the better option, though. Cowards.
It’s bitterly ironic that the only people who have taken literal shots at Trump so far were themselves crazed Republican nutballs, his own base. I give America no bonus points for those attempts.
MAGAs will be there too, because they are beginning to realize they are being royally shit on. In fact, expect them to lead the charge, violently - not all of them, but probably the majority of them.
To quote contra points: I no longer hope for good things.
Any day now?
Has any protest made a damn bit of difference in the US for the last 20 years? 30? 40?
The guys who killed Tyre Nichols wouldn’t have been arrested if people hadn’t rioted after George Floyd was killed.
AstroTurf project funded by the Koch brothers and other wealthy conservative groups. Not a real protest
I think you’ll find that many (but not all) successful movements are driven by the potent pairing of a legitimately pissed off populace backed by capital.
That’s the rough part of where we are now. Capital isn’t on our side. If the economy tanks hard, maybe that will change.
I generally agree, but I also think it depends on the capital. There are definitely losers (in the winning/losing sense) in the business world even just two months into the second Trump regime.
Ah yes, no true scottsman would protest for the billionaires!
I see what you are saying, but the issue of having billionaires funding and supporting the movement is something most protest movements can’t count on.
Of course. A leftist protest will never have support from the owner class.
The tea party protests were certainly astroturfed, funded by the coke Brothers etc. but they were also real. They were composed of real people with real grievances.
I don’t think they would admit their actual motivations even to themselves, but it wasn’t a fake movement in the sense that the crowds were fictional. Thousands and tens of thousands of people were showing up and calling reps and voting in primaries.
Protests are very successful in increasing awareness in disengaged citizens.
If the news covers it, sure. But they aren’t covering the protests that are happening.
That’s for sure. We also leave cell phones at home or in the car. NYPD has stingrays at every protest. Just bring your ID and some cash.
Define “a bit”
Bodycameras on law enforcement were widely adopted after the George Floyd Protests.
That movement really started in 2014 with the killing of Michael Brown, but your point stands. Still, I can’t call that too much of a victory since the point of the protests was to stop violent racially biased policing, and all we got were cameras. Better than nothing I suppose.
I agree that it is absolutely inadequate.
No. Therefor, what is the next logical step?
Historically if peaceful protests are ignored long enough, the protests cease to be peaceful. That almost always backfires against the protestors because it’s so easy for the media to turn public opinion against them. The average citizen isn’t willing to sacrifice their peace and security unless there is an immediate tangible benefit to them.
We need a new tactic. Something the powers that be don’t have an answer for already. I’m from Chicago and during the pandemic there was a phenomenon called flash mobs that the police struggled to address. Large groups of people would arrange online a time and location, commit crime, and flee before authorities could react. Sometimes they would show up, beat up and rob whoever was on the street, and disappear onto public transportation. Other times they would hit high value corporate targets like the Gucci or Prada stores. Dozens of people would rush in, seal everything not nailed down, and escape.
I have to wonder hypothetically what would happen if this tactic was applied to banks. The money is insured by the government, so the public wouldn’t be losing anything. But the public HATES the banks and wouldn’t offer them sympathy. It would be even better if some of the stolen money was redistributed to the needy. Just wishful thinking on my part.
Time for the libs to get in line