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Cake day: March 16th, 2024

  • Environmental, Social, and Governance programs are a trendy topic with investors. For example, if Walmart’s shareholders force it to adopt an ES&G program, that that same pressure gets applied by Walmart to their vendors.

    That’s how it’s supposed to work. Devil is in the details, of course. And plenty of “yes buts” to go along with them.

    There’s an entire industry devoted to auditing and rating companies on their overall score. Ecovadis is one that I can think of off the top of my head. They’ll audit you, give you a score, and give you areas where you need to improve.

    I haven’t decided exactly how cynical I am about the whole thing, but I’m way past letting the perfect strangle the good.

  • In recent years we’ve been seeing a scary trend of tornadoes hitting the area overnight. Like at 11:00pm or later. That suuuuccks.

    When I was a kid they were almost always a late afternoon or early evening event. Official forecasts were crap, but at least you could look outside and think, “this looks like tornado weather, better check the radio.” Now we’re woken out of sleep in the middle of the night by the simultaneous klaxon of our phone alerts.

    They’re also hitting us earlier in the year. My calendar has a repeating reminder for early April: “peak tornado season starts in a few months - start drilling the cats now.” We had one in fucking February this year that took out a barn a few miles down the road.