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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • me - “I’m x”
    you - talks about thing involving x

    I’m willing to say you just lucked wrong. But it is fairly reasonable to say that the average person would assume you’re talking about them. People aren’t psychic.

    Then on the scale of how you took my response apparently a smiley face means this is the ‘worst iteration of anger’? And apparently ribbing means ‘stabbing you as hard as I can’, and not ‘you did the thing and I’ll play back’

    You aren’t perfect. Pretending like you are is silly.

  • How old are you? I’m in my 30’s and a mechanic. If you don’t even attempt to understand someone different then why are you talking so much on the Internet? I was referencing baseball because you said you were American.

    I haven’t lied, I said I’m queer and your next response switched over to saying effectively “when cishet people groups you like this doesn’t it make you mad?”

    And I will accuse you of insulting me. You obviously did, and you’re doing it more and more. From my perspective for no good reason.

  • Don’t you think cishet people

    Saying you know I’m not cishet

    gay men go mincing around

    Swing one

    lesbians are super butch

    Swing two

    When did I say there were any number of genders

    Look at the first line in my response. CIS so you did bring up genders. Then later you got 3 things wrong, which reminded me of a meme where they get 3 things wrong. “You going ‘the three sexualities are het,gay, lesbian’ made me think of the one meme”

    You are just lying and I don’t know why.

    You’re so ready to win a competition that only you are a part of. I’m trying to have a talk and you want to fight.

  • I said I was queer and you then list “cishet, gay, lesbian” and some tropes associated with them. Then do one of the funniest unintentional trope for what I am, which would be bi erasure.

    You going ‘the three sexualities are het,gay, lesbian’ made me think of the one meme of “ah yes the [number] genders”.

    For whatever reason I cannot upload files otherwise I would attach the memes for you. Image search “ah yes the 3 genders” should turn it up for you though.

    Me saying that stuff, wasn’t me trying to be insulting. It was showing that I know what you’re talking about. But it wasn’t an attack. Definitely close to seeing a coworker slightly tired and saying something like “you look like you’re ready to run a marathon.”

  • The need to remind people is a certain lack of care of the people needing reminded. Like reminding people “hey don’t drink and drive” I honestly don’t think that helps out much. I feel like cigarettes packaging outside US does actually help though.

    For example: if someone with a fundamentalist church was harassing me, would I rather my boss protect me, or them say “it’s not a big deal”. How many times do you need reminding to not drink a drive. I’m sure they know to not do it, but at the root of it they don’t care. Reminding them won’t change anything.

    Don’t you think cishet…gay… lesbian

    Ayy you’re doing the thing :D I’m none of them, I’m also mostly just ribbing you. 3 types of Jewish people: Rabbi’s, Brooklyn mom’s, and John Stewart.

    Now imagine if they also think your allegiance is to another nation.

    Sure, maybe not another nation. But actively trying to destroy 'merica to create a “gay nation”. I 100% believe people act differently, but I believe that’s something they don’t believe in. Where your situation I can see people believing in that, which is worse.

    Let me rephrase my first attempt. “Do you think treating the symptoms will help fix the root problems or at least help the pain? Are you wasting time/effort/mental bandwidth on something that ultimately won’t help? Is there a better way of dealing with this?” And those are honest questions. You do have a different situation than me.

  • I don’t disagree with you, and as a queer person believe me when I say I do understand how media coverage puts a target on your back.

    The one part I do disagree with is the people need to be reminded. Like imagine walking up to David Duke and reminding him that Jewish people are his neighbors. While I want to watch that, I don’t think it would end well. How’s that one meme go? There are two races, white and political. Two genders, male and political. Two religions. Etc etc. I dislike the “need to remind” because the implications is that it’s fine to not be normalized. I know that’s probably not what you’re going for, but small things like that do matter. Like when someone threatens to kill me I can just add that to the pile, but when someone I know says they’re “normal” it just means I’m excluded, part of a permanent out group. That makes me leagues more upset.