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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I was a roofer for a few years. In Florida, a state with some of (if not the) the most strict roof codes in the country. It’s perfectly ok to layer shingles like that and was common practice for a good while. I’ve torn off houses with 4+ layers of shingles several times and had the decking be just fine underneath them. You have no idea what you’re talking about

  • I’m an anarchist, rules aren’t really my thing. There is no rule to perfectly encapsulate the problem, I’m aware of that. As a matter of fact, I’m so aware that my ideological framework for understanding the world around me is opposed to the very concept of writing such a rule. Human information analysis and synthesis, as well as their resulting actions are infinitely complex and unpredictable. You’re setting me up for an impossible task in an attempt to pull one over on me and make your point. I agree with your point. I disagree with how it should be handled.

    That woman exercised her autonomy to act in the best interest of her community. Her community should be the only ones judging her actions. Not some duckweed manager, and certainly not laws. If her community found her actions unacceptable, then they should be the ones to determine how her wrongs are righted. I very much doubt most people in town would take issue with what she did. We can argue back and forth about what her community would think all night but neither of us truly know. She did.a good thing and she shouldn’t be punished for it

  • I’ll bite. Treating fascist flyers and LGBTQ+ flyers as the same thing is bullshit. Acting like the only fair thing to do is treat someone refusing the LGBTQ+ flyers the same as this person refusing to spread fascist flyers is bullshit. Reasons matter and it’s bullshit that society has normalized stripping the context and nuance out of situations in the name of “fairness”. She shouldn’t have been punished. We don’t have to generalize, we’ve been conditioned to generalize because it reinforces the status quo. It’s ridiculous that people refuse to acknowledge the threat of fascism in actionable ways because it’s “”“”““unfair””“”“”

    Also, it’s not ok for people to refuse to deliver medication on ideological grounds for an entirely different reason than it is to refuse to disseminate fascist propaganda. Postal workers wouldn’t know they’re delivering abortion medication in the first place as it’s sealed in (at the very least) an envelope that does not provide a description of the contents in a way that would reveal abortion medications over any other medication.

  • Wish I could tell you. They didn’t do it with pot either despite it having plenty of medicinal applications. Maybe they perceive it as more of a threat than a money making opportunity? It’s less addictive than other opiates (from what I understand) and we know that addiction was part of their business model with opiates . It helps people recover from addiction in a way that doesn’t require life-long treatment so maybe it would be a net-negative in their eyes. Idk I just woke up and I’m rambling lol