Hezbollah exclusive? Were the walkie talkies Hezbollah exclusive? They are just devices with a specific function
Hezbollah exclusive? Were the walkie talkies Hezbollah exclusive? They are just devices with a specific function
Always Israel it seems
Against genocide, but pro American fascism
Yep. Conservatism is the antithesis of progress
Seriously. Those greedy fucks have the money
Sorry I could be wrong, can’t find the article that said the girl was 10 when they met online
Brains worms = low intelligence = weird af
He groomed the child for YEARS before he raped her. It’s wild you’re defending this
Edit: I can’t find the article I thought I read about him first meeting the child when they were 10
He said “I’m not Christian”
“Devout Republicans”
It’s the conservative way
Couldn’t answer a yes or no question 🤔
He’s a “soft” Democrat that cares about “optics” 🙄
And the eyeliner
He was watching and enjoying it
Which one is “better” is subjective, so yes it is simping. There are some things one does better than the other, and some things people prefer over the other
Want a fingerprint sensor? Then people would say Android/Galaxy/Pixel phones are better just for that one thing alone. That’s subjective; an opinion
It’s such a childish, stupid thing to want to be “right” over. Like we’re back to the “Xbox or PlayStation is better” conversation
Simping for a company is sad bro
Opposite of Fox News would be The Onion because they both make up shit
Reality has a left leaning bias
Sadly, sometimes violence is necessary