Migrated account from @[email protected]

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2024


  • The Winamp Collaborative License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. It is designed to ensure that you have the freedom to use, Modify, and study the software, but with certain restrictions on the distribution of modifications to maintain the integrity and collaboration of the project.

    Oh god…

    No Distribution of Modified Versions: You may not distribute modified versions of the software, whether in source or binary form. No Forking: You may not create, maintain, or distribute a forked version of the software. Official Distribution: Only the maintainers of the official repository are allowed to distribute the software and its modifications.

    Copy left is not a protected term but yeah this is a shit license.

    And how the fuck do you contribute code back without forking the project?!

    EDIT: It looks like an issue has already been created and I absolutely love this thread where the license they are using is in violation of Github TOS.

    They should have just kept the source closed! The speculation is that whomever purchased it wants to crowdsource contributions without adding any value themselves.

  • A lot of hate on this guy. Not saying it’s not deserved. But it has to start somewhere.

    “My exegesis of those half dozen passages, it hasn’t changed. I think the Bible says what it says, and disapproves of gay sex, full stop,” Hays continued. “But there’s a very arbitrary selectivity about picking out those two verses in Leviticus as the foundation for an opinion on this subject.”

    I used to be a fundamentalist right wing Christian Republican. I see myself in this sentence.

    The love of Christ that Christians say they have was nowhere near their hatred of “the gays”. Jesus says nothing of Homosexuality so Christians hang their politics on two really obscure verses in the Old Testament.

    He’s taking steps in the right direction. He still has a ways to go to make amends.

    But the fact that he’s publicly “coming out” with his apology should be seen as a good thing because he’s likely going to get bomb and death threats from the fundamentalists.