• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Being denied medical insurance because you have a genetic predisposition for certain diseases.

    New government comes into power, decides homosexuality is illegal. Digs into your post history, finds your comments supporting homosexuality, you go to prison.

    Someone takes a bunch of photos of you, uses AI to create a lifelike video of you doing a lewd sex act, and then blackmails you with it.

    Identity theft cases go through the roof.

    Employers refuse to hire you because of an argument you had on facebook when you were 14.

    You’re really REALLY craving ice cream. Predictive algorithms knew you would be craving ice cream right now. So your personal price for ice cream at every store is now 3x what it usually is.

    You call in sick to work, but actually go to visit a sick friend. Your car reports your location to your boss, and you’re fired.

  • Not the majority, but definitely the controlling faction of its state government.

    I mean, to get hyper technical, they have associated this general type of cruelty with moral righteousness and fiscal responsibility.

    So they are doing things that are cruel. Those of us not caught up in their cult can see that they’re doing it because of greed, tribalism, and religious indoctrination. The cruelty is the point, but they’re not doing it just because they like being cruel. They’re doing it because being cruel is virtuous, makes them feel superior, and makes them money (note, not all of these apply to everyone; these are 3 different motivations for 3 different groups). This type of cruelty, for one or more of those reasons, is seen as a GOOD thing.

    So yes. The cruelty is the point. It’s not incidental, it’s not an unfortunate byproduct of some other goal. It is cruel and they are intentionally trying to be cruel.