• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • As someone who personally wouldn’t care at all if someone made AI porn of me and masturbated to it, I am incredibly uncomfortable with the idea that someone who doesn’t like me may have the option to generate AI porn of me having sex with a child. Now there’s fake “proof” I’m a pedophile, and I get my life ruined for sex I never had, for violation of consent I never actually committed. Even if I’m vindicated in court, I might still be convicted in the court of public opinion. And people could post faked porn of me and send it to companies to try to say “Evergreen5970 is promiscuous, don’t hire them.” Not all of us have the luxury of being able to pick and choose between companies depending on whether they match our values, some of us have to take what they can get and sometimes that would include companies that would judge you for taking nude photos of yourself. It would feel especially bad given I’m a virgin by choice who has never taken nudes let alone sent them. Punished for something I didn’t do.

    Not everyone is going to restrict their use to their private wank sessions, to making a real image of the stuff they probably already envision in their imagination. Some will do their best to make its results public with the full intention of using it to do harm.

    And once faking abuse with AI porn becomes well-known, it might discredit actual photographic/video proof of CSAM happening. Humans get fooled by whether an AI-generated image was taken by a human or generated by AI, and AI doesn’t detect AI-generated images with a perfect accuracy rate. So the question becomes “how can we trust any image anymore?” Not to mention the ability to generate new CSAM with AI. Some more mainstream AI models might try to tweak algorithms to prevent people from generating any porn involving minors, but there’ll probably always be some floating around with those guardrails turned off.

    I’m also very wary of dismissing other peoples’ discomfort just because I don’t share it. I’m still worried for people who would care about someone making AI porn of them even if it was just to masturbate with and kept private.

  • A lot of my videos get copyright concerns and get flagged on YouTube because there’s copyrighted music playing in the background, or it’s me or a friend performing a song. We’re not some cover band doing this for money, it’s literally just us doing it for our own pleasure and maybe sending it to a few of our friends. Whether the song is in the public domain or not, it always gets flagged. Part of why I want to move off is because I think this affects whether I can redownload my video or not. I’ve been using YouTube as a place to offload videos for awhile, so I probably won’t be able to redownload a lot of my videos.

    I really don’t think I’m in a position to self-host. Thank you anyways!

  • Honestly, the breaking point is the mild inconvenience I experienced today where I hit the video upload limit. I’ve got 9 videos I shot today that I need to upload, it only let me do 7. I could have gotten around this by filming everything as one or two continuous videos instead of 9 separate ones. I didn’t because I’ve never run into the limit before and was unaware it existed until today. I wanted to have them all up to share with my friends today (they do have a playlist link that the videos go into, but I wanted them all available today), but I have to wait for 24 hours 😒