This man had such a unique impact on music. I liked what he did with Jacob Collier too.
This man had such a unique impact on music. I liked what he did with Jacob Collier too.
Depending on the state, some agencies will test drinking water samples for a small fee that is much less than $200. In Michigan, the department of health did it for me. This is likely hard water. And if it’s from a well, it should be tested every so often anyways.
Check to see if your local government does this instead.
That’s really freaking cool! Thanks for sharing! What was the work effort for this amount of progress? I’d like to do this with my next house.
Do you mind sharing pictures of what this looks like?
Wait what
Just use Debian tbh
HP stands for heinous product.
It works with WINE ok, but you might get better luck with someone more native.
Java is absolutely not dying… unfortunately. Billions of people depend on spaghetti code written by corporations every day. I think Java will be the next COBOL. It won’t die and it’s unfortunate.
Seconding SumatraPDF, it has steered me through storms for years.
Aside from Montana, the remaining 49 are “at will” employment states. You can be fired for any reason at any time, aside from if your employment is terminated for being part of a protected class, regardless of if you are a contractor or not. There are some jobs that have more protections, like union jobs (yay unions). There are also some employment agreements that are not at will if I believe too.
You can also leave your job at any time for any reason in an at will state.
Technology was a mistake.
Just use nano or vim