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  • 18 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2024


  • Power structures are indeed partly designed and in practice used by upper classes, and especially the owner class to keep their wealth and maintain the hierarchy that is beneficial to them. And this ended up being the case even in the Soviet Union.

    It’s probably an oversimplification to say that is their sole purpose, but I understand why it is said that way to get the point across.

    An interesting modern example of state sanctioned killing that occurs in nations that don’t necessarily have an army or legal executions. Is in some countries with lax euthanasia/assisted dying laws. Poor people who become unable to work due to disability, are often financially pressured to kill themselves through the official routes, as it can be hard or nearly impossible to survive solely on disability benefits.

    Governments don’t really have much pressure to improve the situation, as it saves them, and by extension the upper classes, money. And the dead people don’t have votes to punish them with.