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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Two things here:

    1. If this is true, and we cave and let them take this, why on earth would they not demand more? It seems like they would have to, especially considering they have to make up for all they spent so far on Ukraine. We open the door to infinite nuclear blackmail, which we didn’t touch even in the worst of the cold War, and modern Russia is nowhere near as powerful as the ussr was. North Korea, otoh, will demand Seoul surrender tomorrow.

    2. If they’re really concerned, they are always free to leave. Nobody is keeping them in Ukraine at gunpoint.

  • So, personally I do not believe Southern states should be allowed any authority over criminal justice, and I suggest withdrawing their authority over civil matters as well.

    It’s like gun rights, I think some people are capable of handing the responsibility properly, I would trust most New Hampshire residents with low-yield fuel-air bombs.

    I wouldn’t trust southerners with pointy sticks, their entire history is of slavery, genocide, torture, and a complete lack of any form of civilized humanity.

    We do not give guns to animals, we should not give legal authority to southern states period.

    And this isn’t republican vs democrat, they were equally evil as dixiecrats enforcing Jim Crow, the Democrats were brilliant in following Civil Rights policies helping purge the dixiecrats from their ranks.

  • It’s a thing they do, bit mafia-esque, they sail a mostly un-seaworthy hulk full of oil, minerals, heavy metals, in this case fertilizer, off the coast of a picturesque port of yours, and say “here’s your order, you better pay to pick it up!”.

    Either you wait for the ship to go aground and destroy the local environment, or you buy the stuff, offload it, and pay them to tow the ship “outside of the environment”.

    It’s their way of forcing sales and trying to break their way back into markets in a fairly threatening way.