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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2021

  • I dont blame em for going with that decision. Maintainer/devs are also wearing customer service/ PR and bookeeping hat on top of the things they build. Things cost money, especially time, call it greedy or not but people have to pay housing and food. Its tough and similar to a lot of industries, nobody cares until something goes wrong. All the best to this person 👍

  • Several things with this.

    1. introducing programing and linux are two seperate things, though they do bridge when running linux, it would be asking em to learn one or the other. ( offer something already easy linux distro, to learn linux passively while focusing on programing.


    Learn linux TV - playlist available for linux and programing


    Unfa - learn linux and music production


    Good audio recording program thats free Ardour ( if he becomes good and makes a living on it, pls donate to the devs)

    Learn programing for free Freecodecamp.org

    If you are in the US. Ask the college/university for taking walk ins for classes. They allow you to attend classes for free to check out if you want to be a student. Depending on the school there will be no limit. ( honestly tech fields are mostly certifications and experience; a degree with student loans not necessary)

    Local library, ive found books for programing languages to check out, use the cities resources.


    All these options mean nothing unless the person does it and applys. You need to accept that no matter how much you suggest/guide/offer , that at the end of the day the choice is theirs. Especially at an age that wants to figure things out on their own.

    Best of luck.