It’s Texas, they hate everyone that isn’t on the line… I’m really interested in how many people will piss on Abbott’s grave
It’s Texas, they hate everyone that isn’t on the line… I’m really interested in how many people will piss on Abbott’s grave
He didn’t get shot at. Some doofus brought a gun within the no-no zone on him. He’s trying to fundraise because of it. Apparently he’s most popular when he’s getting shot at…
He is so fucking stupid. And yet there are dumber people who fall for this trash. Anyone who has a squatting truck, anyone who brings a confederate flag to, well, anywhere. Roll coal dumbasses.
Tucker loves Nazis, and Putin, (authoritarianism, same boat) a d Elon wants in on that nonsense??
It just confirms that conservatives are only afraid of everything. It was race, it was gays, it’s now trans. Their entire platform is fear of everything. I saw a guy with a bumper sticker that said “Fuck Biden” and I assumed he was a scared little boy.
Any dipshits involved in Jan 6 should be treated as 9/11 criminals. As they are.
You could say they’re building a wall of sorts…
Did you eat paint chips as a kid?
Meh… I’m fairly sure it’s because he’s weak and was against ISIS in Syria where he wants to keep a warm water naval base…
Hilarious how in the information age these troglodytes seem to think their shit thoughts are valid
Because they know there’s nothing there that hasn’t already been said and they want their base to fill in the blanks that a private hearing would have.
Americans are falling behind on all payments. Surprised pichachu face…
Let’s not forget that this is because Meta gave away Facebook messages that they thought were private. Do not use Facebook messenger! Or SMS!!
We had a us citizen scientist detained by the CCP because he was visiting his family. It was a power move. If you’re a scientist in the us, DO NOT GO TO CHINA!!