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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2024


  • The Israelis are the world’s largest terrorists and the world’s largest cause of terrorism. I have had many ‘debates’ with zionists before getting permabanned off reddit who actually tried to frame Israel as a stabilizing force in the region where all the whining infantile Arabs can blame all their problems on (which they don’t and never did BTW) instead of tearing each other apart for land and on religious grounds (also bullshit).

    I simply pointed out how absurd their beliefs are and how utterly baseless. As you would expect, they constantly shifted the goal posts in ways that revealed the sheer depth of ignorance that they had about anything.

  • It also exceptionally rare that police officers themselves get prosecuted. Chauvin’s conviction was a surprising twist as such things almost never happen. This is one situation where they threw one of their own under the bus to placate the public while the whole situation actually gets worse.

    Like ever since BLM got started, the rate of police shootings have only gone up, and funding has increased AND there are far more laws protecting police than before. In many states it is becoming increasingly illegal to film police officers for any reason. So they might have thrown Chauvin under the bus, but they might make it illegal to film cops in his area, so future Chauvins who get filmed will have nothing to fear, as they will arrest the person filming them and charge them, and since the film obtained is criminal it will be dismissed as evidence.