Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • You do realize Israel didn’t just ‘herpederp, time to genocide’ one day right?

    I mean, ethnic cleansing has been part and parcel of the modern Zionist project since it started after WW1 (itself a far cry from the 19th century Zionist project, which was far less ethnonationalist). So, I mean, on one hand, yes. On the other hand, by genocide you probably mean the explicit state action of extermination or removal of a peoples for the crime of being the wrong ethnicity, in which case Israel has been committing genocide ‘only’ since its inception.

    And no, “The Arabs did it first!” even if that was correct (it is not, in any meaningful sense; the escalation of tensions was largely mutual in the 20s, 30s, and 40s) is not an excuse to commit fucking genocide.

  • This chain literally started with you responding to someone daydreaming about physically assaulting the young protesters with:

    The point of that, something that you seem to have still missed, was not “I want to hurt them for being idiots”, though that may have been secondary, but “If the act doesn’t matter, just the cause, by principle that leads to absurd things, like acts with no conceivable serious connection with the cause being touted as a great success for that cause simply for linking the name of the act and the cause.”

    not say the regular stuff like blocking traffic or vandalizing (non-priceless) surfaces in places that are visible to a mass audience rather than comfortably protected behind fences and security checkpoints.

    I literally cite arson, riots, and general strikes as valid, but go off I guess.

  • I’m down with violence, man. But human history and culture isn’t the enemy here, it shouldn’t be the target, and simply ‘raising awareness’ is no longer the goal. Take a sledgehammer to an oil exec’s front door if you want to go the direct action route, not to the Magna Carta.

    There are actually probably more effective uses of violence than the oil exec’s front door. But you get what I mean, I hope. Action alone is not enough, it must be action that causes something useful to the cause, like increasing fear in the politicos or ultra-wealthy (as the Suffragists did with arson and bombing campaigns targeting both), or reducing the effectiveness of society as a whole until negotiations are had (as with a general strike, though that’s not violent, generally).

  • When did An Inconvenient Truth come out again? Like, can I get a temperature check on the polite and respectful progress we’ve made since then?

    An Inconvenient Truth raised awareness at a time when there wasn’t nearly as much awareness on the issue. Hell, in '04 Climate Change was still barely even mentioned by the Dem candidate. But that part is over - the comparatively easy part, the faces and names part. Now we’re at the part where we have to actually fight for fundamental changes to get anywhere, and ‘raising awareness’ as an excuse just isn’t going to cut it.

    It’s also not about ‘polite and respectful’. It’s about making structural changes to an extremely complex and interconnected system, rather than getting some nice-sounding policy pass so backpats can be had.