The article image with 16.25/hr shown, speaks volumes
The article image with 16.25/hr shown, speaks volumes
I sure hope he also extended his utmost thoughts and prayers to the women. Otherwise this would be meaningless.
I’m not sure that you and I read the same article
Is it 1985? How am I reading this title right now?
Obviously. What I’m getting at is that he already has the racist vote. He doesn’t need to appeal to them. So what does this action gain him?
What is the strategy here? Other than another armed coup attempt?
Ugh…You’re not wrong. But I fucking hate admitting that.
How are the housing prices?
I admit to not having studied the legal intricacies here, but this seems like a nonsensical verdict to me.
Very cool, and very legal.
I’m not even at all sure that they promised that
I like the cut of your jib. I’ll put a word in for you with the Bobs.
Ah yes. Binding arbitration clauses, just as the forefathers intended.
I had forgotten about this
You’re probably never really out
Oh get fucked Microsoft. Now I have to use notepad when I put the tape measure on the spacebar so teams doesn’t change my status to idle.
And it’s not even “real” money.
I’m fairly certain that Max despises their fan base.
Also, the Russians “won,” and that hasn’t gone so well for the rest of us since.