Its UK journalism
Its UK journalism
Its all been spent before he gets it
14 miles?
This kid was on a hardcore camping hike
Is “immigrant” now primarily a racial slur?
Um, one DEAD, seven injured…
All hail Earth Emperor Musk
Thats what they said, which is extraordinarily suspicious. The weapon is to be disposed of, literally everyone knows this. And to carry it to another state for days?
They have better judgment than dogs. Many dogs die from biting poisonous cane toads, but cats almost never do, because they leave the toads alone.
The unbelievable part is that THEY would bother using actual flying drones to manufacture an emergency. Deepfake videos and bot armies to spread them are too easy.
Next year we make slave auctions great again
Love that 30 day warranty
“The gang executes a CEO”
Are you suggesting that a simple faraday bag can neutralize an ankle monitor?
I found another suspect!
Obvious troll is obvious
Google trends shows that a search for “did Joe Biden drop out?” Spiked on election day.
Yes he did, months ago. American dont even know who they are voting for.
The coin isnt fake tho, its exactly what its supposed to be.
Its actually very easy to repo a wreck, but its not worth anything.