• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


    • There’s satellite imagery of the submarine being in the pier and then never returning.

    • This is Barron’s, but it’s simply hosting an Agence France-Presse article.

    • Are you suggesting the WSJ manufactured a quote by a senior US defense official?

    It feels to me like you’re trying to muddy the waters to run defense for China, something you’ve routinely done on this platform. Go ahead and link to that ridiculous media chart from the COVID disinformation website again by the way if you want to look even less credible.

  • Per the John Oliver episode on the death penalty, there’s substantial evidence that murder by nitrogen suffocation is extremely painful.

    Edit: the episode and timestamp in question. Nitrogen hypoxia (edit: at least as it’s being performed by these ass-backward hicks) is not painless as some commenters are suggesting. Section lasts from about 23:00 to 24:45. An excerpt from the Wikipedia article properly sourced to the Associated Press, BBC News, and the Montgomery Advertiser (local Alabama newspaper):

    Though the State Attorney General said afterward that Smith’s execution showed that nitrogen hypoxia was an “effective and humane method of execution”, several people watching the execution reported that Smith “thrashed violently on the gurney” for several minutes, with his death reportedly occurring 10 minutes after the nitrogen was administered to the chamber. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights condemned the use.

    And to be clear, the only reason these sick fucks are using nitrogen is because it’s becoming increasingly difficult to source potassium chloride the barbituate and paralytic for lethal injections because the optics for companies supplying them is abysmal.

  • What even is this asinine response?

    • No, they would not likely use them to perpetrate war crimes. Ukraine is using incendiaries for treelines in the middle of nowhere where Russians are hiding – not even close to civilians. You have zero evidence to support the idea that they would and are just JAQing off over nonsensical “what-ifs” as a way to move the goalposts from the indisputable fact that WP isn’t unto itself a war crime.
    • Literally any weapon can be used to commit a war crime.
    • If you want war crimes to stop, then you want Russia out of Ukraine as soon as possible due to their extreme usage of anti-personnel mines and the fact that Ukraine then needs to use them in return.
    • What is this unhinged comparison to nuclear weapons?

    Redditor-types accepting they’re indisputably wrong about something instead of doubling down challenge: impossible.

  • You’re going to be downvoted by people who have no idea what a war crime is or isn’t, but you’re unequivocally correct here.

    You won’t catch people hand-wringing about the use of anti-personnel mines which is unequivocally a war crime (however, one that’s necessary for Ukraine’s survival against a genocidal, imperialist invasion also making heavy use of AP mines). However, when indenciaries come up, people somehow have this association that they’re blanket war crimes when that’s not even close to true. The International Red Cross’ summary of Protocol III on incendiaries is as follows:

    Incendiary weapons are those that are primarily designed to set fire to objects or to burn persons through the action of flame or heat, such as napalm and flame throwers (Art. 1).

    It is prohibited in all circumstances to use them against civilians. It is also prohibited to make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by air-delivered incendiary weapons.

    Finally, it is prohibited to make forests or other kinds of plant cover the object of attack by incendiary weapons unless they are being used to conceal combatants or other military objectives, or are themselves military objectives (Art. 2).

  • Statistics say women are far more likely to develop breast cancer than men, but I imagine if a man contracted breast cancer, people would still call it what it is, say they have breast cancer, attempt to treat it, and move on; not try to tiptoe around calling it breast cancer, equivocate about how men can’t be victims of breast cancer because of some bizarre ad hoc definition of breast cancer being exclusive to women, change the medical definition of breast cancer to not include men instead inventing a separate disease with a heavily euphemized name, joke about how they probably enjoy it, accuse them of lying, and fail to give it a similar level of medical attention that it would get if a woman had breast cancer.