Fren that is nature of humanity
Fren that is nature of humanity
Fair enough. How would you deal with the most dangerous members of society?
Ah sorry I only saw the 6 Billion dollar increase in spending on the defense side.
But ya saving 13 billion by what slashing IRS, and critical enforcement that would have also been shut down? Like thats the point. They’re cutting critical services and allowing more executive overreach. We’re just gonna stand by all year and watch them strip us of all our resources and leave us with crippling debt. This is foreshadowing for the next round of cuts and taxbreaks.
Not the sex traffickers locking people in cages tho? Cause i want them in cages. I like law enforcement keeping violent criminals off the streets? I do not want my family getting kidnapped and shipped overseas? I don’t want domestic terrorist running around blowing up buildings i frequent. Are you some kind of anarchy purist lmao?
It didn’t cut funding. It expanding funding leading up to next years funding bill. It also expanded executive powers needlessly. Vaguely worded clauses that will be used for more executive overreach. So ya. Shutting down the government for a week or two to force a bipartisan CR, and showing the american people what it looks like when they cut half the government for tax cuts this summer.
I’m talking about the Continuing resolution. Here have a read and let me know if you want to discuss it. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but I am certain you have not read the CR, and I’m suspicious you do not understand how government opperates.
I mean guy like its the money trump is using to fund all the executive orders, wtf are you going on about?
Ah yes so just let them shut down the government for the most vunerable americans, and let the part that throws people in jail run free. This is good because instead of everyone hurting, only the people republicans want to hurt are hurting. The rest of the population is free to ignore fascism and go about their normal day.
This brilliant strategy brought to you by people who need to color code morality!
Im sorry but are we talking about a federal prosecutor targeting foriegn nationals for laundering money for drug and sex traffickers? Or are we talking about a beat cop beating up some innocent bystander?
Whats your stance on sex traffickers and drug runners operating in the USA?
Once people stopped caring for the truth, and the only way to get people to listen was saying “The government doesn’t want you to know this”…
Yea liberal qanon except based around actual facts, and history. What ever sells the message. All politics will be done in memes and 15 second video clips from now on.
We’ll never know what happened because the senate couldn’t even filibuster it for a day to try to force a negotiation or a shutdown. There was no reason for 10 senators to vote yes on the CR.
Scheumer rubberstamped autocracy by not filibustering the CR. I think anyone who protects the constitution and their constituents is better than someone who doesn’t. Not that any repuclicans fit the bill, but its not like we can just trust any old democrat. Look at Gavin Newsome sliding to the right to maintain power. That the kinda dems we want?
Plenty of Democrats are voting to put trump nominees in office, plenty are voting on partisan spending bills. The CR vote should tip you off that any democrat is not better than any republican… half of them are complicit too. 10 Senate Dems just financed this authoritarian takeover.
Ah can’t wait to re-segregate the education system. I will have ridden the busses of desegregation, and my children shall ride them back to segregation! The south will rise again apparently.
Yes it’s against Reddit ToS to confront MAGA with logic, or criticize the great works of Emperor Monsk