None of that was to say it doesn’t matter, it’s to say it’s a stupid comparison. We can work on drownings and work on gun deaths at the same time. They’re two completely different problems. If I said too many people died in car accidents, you wouldn’t say “well what about cigarettes!? Don’t care about lung cancer then huh?” Yes. They both problems. Such different problems it’s stupid to compare them. Pool safety also isn’t a divisive political issue that’s winds up in the news because people would mostly agree on common sense pool safety. There’s no group of fenceless pool enthusiasts protesting for their right to own a pool that a child could easily drown in. We would consider those people idiots.
It’s much easier than thinking.
Don’t get involved with people who enthusiastically shit on others’ ideas, while having none of their own. Can’t count how many times I’ve countered a complaint with “Ok, what would you do?” only to be met with those empty eyes that tell you there’s nothing happening behind them.
Some people just think conversation is defined as bitching.