• 15 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • A state doesn’t need to be in Europe to join, it just needs to be European, whatever that means, the treaties don’t say. There’s no geographical limits much less strict ones, it was deliberately left open. The requirements regarding democracy and stability are much more strict and spelled out.

    It’d be politically weird to say the least to bar a state that is full of EU citizens from joining the EU. And when it comes to geostrategy not taking them in would be right-out stupid. If you ask some editorialists then even Canada is, in principle, on the table.

  • they used opposite genders

    Not necessarily. For IBM PCs that was true, but my UltraSPARC had a differently-gendered serial port which was very annoying because neither standard straight nor null-modem cables worked. It was a DB-25, carrying two ports.

    Those connectors were used for a lot of different things, with no autonegotiation no nothing. At least the pinout for port A was compatible with the standard DB-25 one-port pinout, just with different gender.

  • Or do these limits only kick in for platforms above a certain size?

    That’s how it’s in the EU, the DSA only applies to large providers. It’s kinda like the fairness doctrine in broadcasting but in the digital domain, e.g. TikTok is currently in hot waters over the Romania elections because they did not take sufficient precautions to make sure that everything’s fair and square.

    And in that case, why would the same principle not apply?

    Because size obliges. If I want to smelt some cans in my backyard I can just do that provided I have a “fireplace” – which is just an area set up to be suitable to have a fire. If I want to build an industrial-scale aluminium smelter I have to get permits and everything. The public interest in the latter is much larger, that’s why I have to jump through hoops and follow regulations.

    (I can’t burn garden waste though, gotta give it to the municipality to compost. A matter of waste of perfectly fine organic material and unnecessary emissions).

  • It’s not even about humanity, it’s also the right thing to do from a business perspective: You want your workers to be productive again ASAP, that’s worth not just continuing to pay them, but also focussing the collective buzz-bee energy of middle management on finding out what everyone needs and finding ways of providing it so they can actually do work instead of dealing with personal shit. Suddenly have 1000 homeless employees? Get them hotel rooms, find them homes, if need be build apartments. Have the legal department pro-bono the management of their insurance claims. Whatever is necessary, the next useless presentation and the next grand lawsuit you planned can wait. Don’t paint your nails while your feet are on fire.

  • No, they don’t. From a Marxist perspective, they think that liberal-democratic capitalism is a better pre-stage to the abolishment of capitalism than Leninist state capitalism.

    Quoth the SPD programme:

    Our history is shaped by the idea of democratic socialism, a society of free and equal people where our core values are realized. It requires a structure in economy, state and society guaranteeing civil, political, social and economic basic rights for all people living a life without exploitation, suppression and violence, hence in social and human security.

    The end of the soviet type state socialism did not disprove the idea of democratic socialism but it clearly confirmed the orientation of social democracy towards core values. In our understanding democratic socialism remains the vision of a free and fair society in solidarity. Its realization is a permanent task for us. The principle for our actions is social democracy.