The USSR was neoliberal.
Drag rides dragons and also “rides” dragons. drag/dragself person-independent pronouns. That means drag’s pronouns are the same in first, second, and third person.
The USSR was neoliberal.
So you’re a McCarthyist? You hate communism?
How come you think communists are Nazis?
Maybe you could read the book and find out
Drag read the book, and they didn’t side with the fascists at all. Read the book, please.
Drag read the book cover to cover and didn’t see anything about the revolutionaries being the same people as the fascists, apart from that one sentence. If you say there’s proof in the book, prove it. Drag read it and couldn’t find any. Drag is starting to think you’re the one who didn’t read it.
Drag is needling you to provide a source that the revolutionaries and the nazis were the same group, or at the very least allied. You’ve only given one sentence of source, and it’s hearsay. Drag wants you to give compelling evidence. Accusations aren’t worth anything without strong evidence, so drag is confused why you’re wasting time when you could give more sources. Seems like you favour rhetoric and guilt trips over proof.
Leading rabbinical circles in New York received a cable early in November from corresponding circles in Vienna that “Jewish blood is being shed by the rebels in Hungary.”
That’s hearsay.
Very much later-in February, 1957-the World Jewish Congress reported that “anti-Semitic excesses occurred in more than twenty villages and smaller provincial towns during the October-November revolt.” This occurred, according to this very conservative body, because “fascist and anti-Semitic groups had apparently seized the opportunity, presented by the absence of a central authority, to come to the surface.” Many among the Jewish refugees from Hungary, the report continued, had fled from this anti-Semitic pogrom-like atmosphere (N.Y. Times, Feb. 15, 1957). This confirmed the earlier report made by the British Rabbi, R. Pozner, who, after touring refugee camps, declared that “the majority of Jews who left Hungary did so for fear of the Hungarians and not the Russians.” The Paris Jewish newspaper, Naye Presse, asserted that Jewish refugees in France claimed quite generally that Soviet soldiers had saved their lives."
You already posted all of that. Since your memory is struggling, drag will help you by repeating what drag said when you said all that the first time:
Perhaps if the revolutionaries had been allowed to seize the government and impose order, they would have put down the opportunistic fascist movement. Instead, it seems at first glance that the USSR sent their tanks in to cause chaos, created the lawlessness that allowed the fascists to fester, and then took credit for solving the problem they themselves caused.
Perhaps if the revolutionaries had been allowed to seize the government and impose order, they would have put down the opportunistic fascist movement. Instead, it seems at first glance that the USSR sent their tanks in to cause chaos, created the lawlessness that allowed the fascists to fester, and then took credit for solving the problem they themselves caused.
Communism is also a way out of poverty
You’re using YouTube wrong. You’re supposed to set your default page to the subscriptions page.
Based comments. How come Lemmy doesn’t have content like that?
There’s nothing fascist in the 16 demands, and drag’s search for evidence of this chalk thing turned up nothing with the word “chalk” in it -
Drag didn’t accuse anyone in the picture of being a tankie. Drag thought the image was relevant to the discussion. As you can see in this thread, users of this community are defending the use of tanks to suppress the 1956 Hungarian revolution. Drag thought that tankies might like to comment on your meme, and called them tankies. And as everyone can see, drag was right.
If they were capitalists, why didn’t the demands of the student protesters say anything about capitalism? If the USSR allowed workers the right to strike, why were the students demanding it?
Please judge this source by the content of the writing and the sourcing of its own arguments rather than by the hosting medium.
One of the biggest and most dangerous mistakes made by Communists is the idea that a revolution can be made by revolutionaries alone. On the contrary, to be successful, all serious revolutionary work requires that the idea that revolutionaries are capable of playing the part only of the vanguard of the truly virile and advanced class must be understood and translated into action.
- Lenin, 1922
It probably means they read Lenin and liked his ideas a lot better than Stalin’s nonsense. Now, you were explaining how tankies oppose minimum wage and the right to strike?
We demand general elections by universal, secret ballot are held throughout the country to elect a new National Assembly, with all political parties participating. We demand that the right of workers to strike be recognised.
We demand complete revision of the norms operating in industry and an immediate and radical adjustment of salaries in accordance with the just requirements of workers and intellectuals. We demand a minimum living wage for workers.
So you’re saying the revolution demanding minimum wage and the right to strike wasn’t a worker’s revolution? Are all tankies this right-wing or just you?
It wasn’t publicly owned. That requires democracy. The people didn’t own the government, and the government owned the means of production, so the people didn’t own them. The government was a private entity.