I wished cancer on plenty pro putinist, pro stalinist, pro genocide pieces of shit and got permad as well.
I have so much free time now.
I wished cancer on plenty pro putinist, pro stalinist, pro genocide pieces of shit and got permad as well.
I have so much free time now.
I have no idea what nitro is, maybe its some teitch sub kinda thing. But I have no idea what a twitch sub is, maybe its some kinda battle pass thing? But I don’t really understand battle passes either. I miss the days when it was clear what extra features and content you could get for your money.
Anyway what I meant to say is that nitro to me always seemed like some dumb ass microtrabsaction to take money from people with no impulse control so I have ignored it and I have found no change in features. Maybe it affects hosting huge servers but those servers always have some whales paying it already. In my experience it hasn’t been an issue in hosting or using discord.
Oh no, its over. Discord going to become unbearable in a few years tops.
Sir I just work here.
While I agree “sell your car” is kind of ridiculous when nobody is buying and everyone is saying “don’t own it OR ELSE”. On the other hand most teslas are owned by the bank and people larping being rich as tesla is a premium car (nevermind that it’s built like to the standard of russian cars and falls apart constantly). Thirdly this is about the cybertruck. Cybertruck was a man squatting with his trousers down and making a face of great effort. Unless you are a complete moron or otherwise obnoxious, you knew exactly what was coming out of that anus. With a cybertruck It’s either in hidden away as an investment since it will be the next delorean once us civil war is over, or you are a bona fide complete moron for owning it and honestly deserve the financial hole. Selling theirs at a massive loss might even save their lives considering the safety record of that turd.
Mortadellas, doctors sausage, frankfurters etc. should be emulsified afaik
I agree. Tech is like fire, handle it responsibly.
I agree, the american cheese is an Interesting and useful invention. At the end of the day it’s just emulsified cheese. Similiar to emusified sausages and meat products, which are popular all around the world.
I much rather hate american insistace on substituting technique and culinary education with cream, corn syrup, sugar and butter, for example cacio e pepe or carbonara.
Hi, imma let you finish but just real quick. Laws are laws only if they are enforced. Alrite, take care fella.
After that
Wake me when that pussy manages to even speak in his own cabinet meetings without elon interrupting.
if the government is using printer tracking dots or your phone to track you down for participating in a legal, democratic protest, then the time for protest is long over.
“i vote trump cause all those fuckers who are in our country need to be put to death camps instead of green cards”
trump makes it so you can rob a bank and become us citizen without any checks
“I knew i voted for the right man!”
At this point magaists seem more like traitors than stupid. I say this cause tihs means any of those russian oligarchs or other fuckers who made a killing selling off the dentures of dead civillians in ukraine or israel or north korea can escape to us who going forward will not hunt them for crimes against humanity.
its good when you’re not typing. Navigating music/streaming, etc. also most ui is now made for touch devices anyway.
I got my thinkpad with touch screen. The nipple is a bit shitty and the touchpad stops working unless its in optimal hand humidity conditions. Touchscreen just works and its good when someone else is pointing at your screen.
What is Billum?
Its directed at the only people who can checks and balances. Cause lefties still think guns are meanie and 2nd amendment is not made for this exact situation.
sadly not an OOB run since he is a sexual harasser and alleged rapist and pedo.
You’re a monster.