• 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Yeah it’s the same here, they and the younger gens have apparently gotten very polarized; the ones who are “good eggs” are really decent folks, and the shitty ones are really shitty.

    So while the extremist reich wing party PS (Perussuomalaiset or “Finns Party”, because naturally only a nationalist wank is a real Finn) was their most popular party, as a proportion of their cohorts more young people voted for the Left Alliance than older ones did. Here’s a handy table from our 2023 parliamentary elections (source):

    • KOK: National Coalition Party, fiscally conservative
    • PS: Finns Party, extremist right wing
    • SDP: Social Democrat, liberal / marginally left
    • KESK: Centre Party, what it says on the tin
    • VAS: Left Alliance, democratic socialists
    • VIHR: Green League, liberal & green
    • SFP: Swedish People’s Party, right wing
    • KD: Christian Democrats, nearly as bad as PS
    • LIIK: Movement Now, nominally center right but about as right wing as KOK

    Actually based on that study the claim that gen Z is more conservative than older gens doesn’t seem to hold up. Seems like they’re about as conservative, but also more likely to vote Left

  • Hmm, I wonder if Gen Z’s politics are different over there compared to here, because at least in Finland the 2. most popular parties they voted for were a right wing extremist party and a “fiscally conservative” party that is essentially indistinguishable from the extremist one (the joke is that the way to tell them apart is that the “fiscal conservatives” wear more expensive suits.) Sure, many do also vote for eg. the Left Alliance who are democratic socialists, but on the whole the generation is more conservative than the older ones

  • That’s known as a ligature and they’re pretty common in many programming-oriented fonts, which usually have stylistic sets with different ligatures for different programming languages that you can optionally enable in your editor’s configuration. For example, here’s the stylistic sets the Monaspace font offers:

    Personally I’m not too fond of ligatures so I never enable any, but many folks do like them.

    Edit: and just as a side note, ligatures are super common in many fonts, you just might not notice them. Here’s some classic examples from the DejaVu Serif font, with and without a ligature:

  • This is absolutely true, but it still seems to me that we’re throwing the baby out with the bath water when we just stick to extremely terse symbols for everything regardless of context.

    Reading articles would be so much easier if they used even slightly longer names – thankfully more and more computer science articles do tend to use more human readable naming nowadays, at least.

    Sure, longer names make manipulation harder a bit more annoying if you’re doing it by hand, but if you do need to manipulate something you can then abbreviate the terms (and I’m 60% sure I’ve seen some papers that had both a longer form and a shorter form for terms, so one for explaining shit and one for the fiddly formal stuff)

    Of course using terse terms is totally fine when it’s clear from the context what eg. ∆x means.