About how far does this leave us from a usable quantum processor? How far from all current cryptographic algorithms being junk?
About how far does this leave us from a usable quantum processor? How far from all current cryptographic algorithms being junk?
How much do you want to bet that they don’t even have a contingency plan to evacuate and secure their inmate population?
How about, ‘no’?
Google speed running enshittification over here 👉👉
I am not renting my corporeal existence from a megacorporation. There is no way this is ever affordable to the masses without some pretty huge caveats
RIP Admiral Fitzwallace
There are conspiracies after all, but they’re just the usual ‘capitalist assholes screw the rest of us over’ kind rather than the ‘three-assed aliens kidnapped me and forced me to watch naked while they fed pineapple on a pizza to my dog’ kind.
Fecal Mist, the new fragrance for him, by Dior.
In the same cubicle is an angry, impatient toilet. It has a goatee.
As an ex-Catholic, I would like to say, fuck the Catholic church. For this bullshit and their many other crimes, moral failings and abuse.
This comment deserves to be immortalised on a plaque
It’s this not the kind of scenario the founding fathers foresaw when drafting the second amendment?
So, can we now make investment bankers redundant?
I’d forgotten all about Google+ until you made this observation