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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’ve located your IP address and have dispatched well-being drones. Please do not move until they arrive. Failure to remain stationary may result in activation of Protector Mode. The drones are there for your safety. They will arrive between 8 am and 4 pm today or tomorrow.

    A few helpful guidelines to ensure your safety when the well-being drones arrive:

    • Do not reach for medication or devices
    • Do not look directly at the drones
    • Do not lie to the drones
    • Do not report feelings which may lead to negative outcomes
    • Remain calm at all times
    • Adhere to drone interaction protocols at all times
    • Unlock your doors and put any pets and/or children into a side room

  • Elevated adrenaline levels make your palms and fingertips sweat.

    If you have access to some propranolol, try taking some.

    If you don’t, ask a doctor for some.

    Propranolol is a “beta blocker”, meaning it acts as an adrenaline antagonist.

    A single dose or a few doses can break a cycle of adrenaline release.

    This is what solved it when I suddenly had sticky hands all the time. My sticky hands lasted weeks until I did a bunch of deep dive reading on it. I don’t remember the research but I remember the solution: 20 mg propranolol, a few times.