Nobody wants to be seen in a Nazi-Mobil, not even in Germany, I guess?
Nobody wants to be seen in a Nazi-Mobil, not even in Germany, I guess?
Do the commenters here really believe the outcome would have been different for the Palestinians if Donald didn’t win? Why?
I think yeah, most people don’t use calendars.My wife doesn’t even use one at work.
My dad though started using it after I implemented audible announcements of them in Home Assistant. He normally doesn’t use his phone or computer much, but this way anywhere he is in his house he is reminded 90min before the event and then at the event again. With this he never misses appointments at doctors and so on anymore. That was what pushed him to use a digital calendar, every missed appointment costs quite some money.
Writing on the phone … sometimes I should proof read it. What i wanted to write was something like
If the “no ads” and “ads free” version contains ads, then pirating the TV shows/movies is not immoral either.
Fixed it now, I didn’t realize that the copy and paste had those spaces in front.
Ah thanks for pointing it out, I fixed the formatting.
I grew up with ads but I still don’t tolerate them, I’m practically allergic to ads.
Even back then I would just switch the Chanel when ads would start and then so many times just forget what I was watching and watch something else. And even as a kid I already would preference shows running on the public television in Germany because they didn’t have ads, they were played in a different way.
If the no ads and ads free version contains adds then pirating is also not immoral anymore.
I just start writing in the different language and the suggestions + autocorrect switch for me. All the languages (other than Korean) use the same keyboard layout and for the umlauts I need to hold the aoeu shortly to get the right umlaut, or I just rely on the autocorrect.
Thanks for the additional information, that helped me to decide to get the 3060 12G instead of the 4060 8G. They have almost the same price but from what I gather when it comes to my use cases the 3060 12G seems to fit better even though it is a generation older. The memory bus is wider and it has more VRAM. Both video editing and the smaller LLMs should be working well enough.
Oh nice, that’s faster than I imagined.
Someone called it just yesterday.
While you’re at it also replace all mentions of heliocentric to geocentric.
Exactly, I’m in the same situation now and the 8GB in those cheaper cards don’t even let you run a 13B model. I’m trying to research if I can run a 13B one on a 3060 with 12 GB.
Straight out of Xi’s playbook. Purge everyone who is not a yes man.
But Netanjahu can stay?
In Germany back then we called it Gleichschaltung, what I assume is just the beginning in this case.
I installed the dictionaries I need and then followed https://github.com/Helium314/HeliBoard/wiki/FAQ#multilingual-typing-type-in-multiple-languages-without-switching-manually
It’s teryfying to see.
From the outside it’s funny to see how fast America is becoming like China. But I feel for you guys, and in the long run nothing is funny about it, only in the short.