Yeah, so Ring cameras?
Yeah, so Ring cameras?
Every GPS-capable device made in the last decade utilizes GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo.
Phones already do that with cell towers. It’s called A-GPS (augmented GPS). Cell towers, wifi, and even bluetooth, are used in addition to GPS/GLONASS/Galileo signals.
Pretty much every GPS-capable device made in the last decade uses all systems available: GPS (USA), GLONASS (Russia), and Galileo (EU).
Reddit mods can’t see who reported things, only that something was reported. I used to be the head mod for a 1M+ sub. The admins can see that though, and mods can forward reports to the admins for review.
You got IP banned, damn.
Social media should never be corporate, ever. Fuck reddit, fuck Meta, fuck LinkedIn, and all the rest.
Except Tom from Myspace, he’s cool.
I got permabanned a couple weeks ago for saying “the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi”
Like, why are you defending Nazis, spez? Huh?
It solidified Lemmy as my permanent reddit replacement. No ragrets.
The restaurant that forces you to use their app doesn’t exist
Here is one such restaurant (have to use their website via QR code, but same idea) near where I live: https://maps.app.goo.gl/6LhBMo5duVzSB9HE9
That said, it’s clearly not the only restaurant in town, and nobody is forcing a gun to your head to eat there.
I can smell the burning plastic from here
UEFI has been the norm for well over a decade at this point. If you’re trying to run a brand new GPU in a 15+ year-old system, you’ve already made many mistakes.
I have a Brother MFC-9340CDW that I salvaged from work last year; we replaced it because it kept getting a ghost “paper jam” every time you tried to print something. Turns out the cause is an $18 board that’s known to fail. Scanner still works fine though, strangely.
I also have a Kyocera FS-3900DN b&w laser printer from 2006…or somewhere around there. It does the thing, and can even be managed with a CUPS server since it has 10/100 networking.
Now to figure out how to disable automatic firmware updates on the Brother 🤔
You would be shocked.
My ex has called the cops on me more than a few times in our past, because she just didn’t like how I was doing things. After I remarried and moved in with my now wife, my ex called the cops and CPS on us for abusing our kids (we don’t - we just have reasonable rules). That was a fun one and ended up with me getting a lawyer and dragging her to court. The judge was not happy with her. Also, my neighbor called the cops on us a few months ago because one of my kids was having a temper tantrum, and then again because my two older kids (and some neighborhood friends) purposefully excluded her kids from whatever game they were playing. We had a talk with our kids about excluding others and why you shouldn’t do that, but between you and I, those kids are brats and bully a lot of other neighborhood kids.
That’s just a taste of crazy. It’s not out of the realm of possibility for someone to be batshit enough to call the cops over an innocent baby-in-the-bathtub picture (though like I said, parents shouldn’t be sharing that on social media anyway, but here we are).
The “small” P9P is considerably larger than the iPhone 12/13 mini, which is the size OP wants.
The “small” P9P is considerably larger than the iPhone 12/13 mini, which is the size OP wants. My mother-in-law has an iPhone 13 mini and it’s very small, but nearly as fully-featured as the standard iPhone 13, which is where other manufacturers keep missing the mark.
That, and small phones on the Android side are often nerfed beyond reason, like a bottom-of-the-barrel Mediatek SoC with low RAM and shit storage option instead of the bigger model’s Snapdragon and quality storage, or shit cameras, or garbage screen resolution, etc etc.
There is something to be said about the larger variant having more room for better cameras, but outside of that, the nerfing feels almost intentional.
Agreed 100%, a line absolutely should be drawn.
That said, as a parent of 5 kids, I’m more concerned for false positives. I’ve heard enough horror stories about parents getting arrested over completely innocent pics of their kids as toddlers or infants, that may have genitalia showing. Like them at 6 months old doing something silly in the tub, or what have you. I don’t trust a computer program that doesn’t understand context to accurately handle those kinds of photos. Frankly, parents shouldn’t be posting those pics on social media to begin with, but I digress. It sets a bad precedent.
I mean I’m not defending CSAM, just to be clear. I just disagree with any usage of AI that could turn somebody’s life upside down based on a false positive. Plus you also get idiots who report things they just don’t like.
IDK, they may have changed things since I was a mod last. It’s been at least 4-5 years.