Works with anything plugged into the wall. Software developer most of the time. Helped start a makerspace once.
Will talk about Linux, plants, space, retro games, and anything else I find interesting.
A company called Clearview AI broke that unwritten rule and developed a powerful facial recognition system using billions of images scraped from social media. Primarily, Clearview sells its product to law enforcement. Clearview has also explored a pair of smart glasses that would run its facial recognition technology. The company signed a contract with the U.S. Air Force on a related study.
Just another reason to not post all your images to social media. Share with family/friends who care but thats it.
What does the article say? Its asking to sign up.
NVM got it:
If only there was a berg for code with this repo. Too bad there isn’t.
Yeah my positive take is this might be a good excuse for people to think of repairability again.
Because, you know, if very little new chips being made in the near future, we are going to have to.
The CPAP lockout is something I went through. The company behind my CPAP does not allow you to get ANYTHING off the device. But there is an SD Card that you can get all the info you want from your old system. Its arbitrarily locked out.
You are also unable to repair anything on the device without insurance getting involved. And insurance is often at OEM prices (think 200+ for a basic mask). Thankfully, people have illegally added STLs/chips/parts/etc… online that you can basically reverse engineer the entire device nowadays. As long as you use medical safe materials, it saves you literally thousands of dollars. Ive replaced quite a few parts and the device is still working after many years of usage.
My last bastions of Google are:
Ironically their search has taken a turn for the worse, so other sites are much better in my opinion.
I pay other sites for creators. So for me $$ isn’t the issue. Not when premium is less than 20.
The biggest issue with YouTube for me is that their ads are very intrusive/track quite a bit about what you do/can actually be malware. On addition, there’s a good chance that money is mostly going to YouTube and not the people creating their works. There’s a reason patreon is a thing for most successful creators. I also hate ads. I don’t hate people getting paid, I hate YouTube for shoving ads down my throat and then turning around not paying people their dues. And in my opinion the worst way possible.
Yep here’s mine
The plastic on the bottom that connects to the hinge is warped. If they put a tiny bit of metal like some dells it would help them.
Just fyi, there plastic can be pretty bad. I have two of their laptops and they use very cheap plastic. Both have the hinges messed up. I can’t take them anywhere anymore.
Love popos and their desktops, but until they fix their laptops, I wouldn’t buy one of them again.
I remember back in the day, there was programs that would identify ads and remove them off on air programs. I would imagine something like that would be possible. Although at that point, just skipping the “platform” altogether might be a better solution.
If it doesn’t goodbye Youtube. I love the creators, but hate you as a platform.
Yeah its really too bad how Youtube treats other video creators. Its a strange world. Hopefully peertube (given enough time) will have some viable options or at least an alternative. Is there any other platforms that work with video creators like yourself? I personally dont know of too many other than maybe twitch? I haven’t been keeping up.
Im seeing it from a residential IP. I think its more they have an allowlist rather than a blocklist nowadays. But I can only speculate. Piped stopped working a month or so ago on my personal instance and updates dont fix it. I can imagine for video uploaders, the issue is worse.
They all do, but if im honest, I subscribe using mastodon to have a peertube “List”.
This is what it looks like:
Heres some options: (some are NSFW/very little moderation).
I like maker-y or general kind of instances like:
Hope that helps!
Yep thats whats happening here by the sound of it. TILVids is a very small instance that shares donated $$ with their creators. Its a very good way to try and keep creators on the platform.
They have videos on peertube if I recall.
I’m glad some companies are going full media and the younger Gen is buying physical media. It’s creating a counter culture that smart companies are using to their advantage.
People have been complaining about this for a long time
Anyone know of a good modern extension for this?
I wonder if it has anything to do with the hurricane.