Almost all of them? They may prompt you to install additional codecs but thats it. Most software displaying images support thoose image formats. Man we have vlc to display any format
Almost all of them? They may prompt you to install additional codecs but thats it. Most software displaying images support thoose image formats. Man we have vlc to display any format
Downside is you have to suffer their trackers
Time’s up. Where is it
/remindme 13h
Its been there forever. And you can disable it
Uh no. Its just that he do not speak because he didn’t need to but actually can speak…
Hearing about Esperanto the first time. Hate itwhen someone copies my idea and does it in 1887
Well latin isn’t the root of all modern languages
After some searching, the behavior is called Einstein syndrome and he was also German. So i thought it would be a reference
Is this einstein reference?
Just use unix milliseconds
Doesn’t matter since the proportion is still correct
I see you like “Ignorance is bliss”
Forbidden website
Macbook air is only $300???
Btw i am all for local aliases. I see them most of the times.
i.e, [equation], where a = area of the surface, v= velocity,…
But without short codes it would be a pain to write and remember. Some of the shortening like del operator really reallh simplifies the original expression with better showcase of physical meaning, but looks alien to people who don’t know. But we can’t stop using it since it makes everything else difficult for people in that area
Bruh how large should our notebook pages be? Also how should we speak about the equation? What if the terms should be represented in a matrix? What if mathematical functions e^x, sin, ln etc. are present? Would you write sine of e^(velocity of the particle B) ? Notations are necessary for readability
I am talking about the prompting “on install”. Its just add on install and everything works. That sounds like out of the box support for me