Should be easy enough to program a cli game of this. I’ll look into it and update if I should finish something.
Should be easy enough to program a cli game of this. I’ll look into it and update if I should finish something.
Blocking a user and removing content from a platform should be relatively easy and fast which should prevent organized crimes. Sueing someone afterwords takes way more resources and time.
But a platform can remove content without getting sued. Why sue them too? Because if you don’t sue their asses they don’t care.
Of course moderation takes time and can’t be perfect and this should be considered when suing the platform owners. And yes this could help the assholes, but I think you can report such behavior to the fbi or someone.
No, because these things should be private. Social media however needs some kind of moderation. edit: also go blame the user too, but that should be a given
I think to blame/sue the company that is nearest to the user should work fine. (following is hyperbolical) If you don’t do it that way, then yes it would be slippery because the big bang would need to be sued. But that makes no sense.
It was doable, but it isn’t fine tuned. The movement speed is probably strange compared to the original arcades.