and also (thanfully) very dead.
No, no. Don’t you know that he works as a foreman in an Argentinian VW plant?
and also (thanfully) very dead.
No, no. Don’t you know that he works as a foreman in an Argentinian VW plant?
Be sure to post the results to the corresponding communities.
Sadly he isn’t a wannabe neoliberal, but just a neoliberal.
Jut all around terrible in general.
Oh, we have a plastic bin for paper too. Although I think not every house has that. But they all have a separate bin for plastics and metal.
The huge cans I meant are something like this:
Fuck huge and still always full. They are extra and don’t belong to a specific house but are on the street for everyone instead.
We have those too. But they are for the big metal cans for paper and glass.
Those wheeled plastic bins are usually collected by something like this:
I mean technically you can get away with just a driver and someone picking up the trash cans.
But over here they usually are still three people with those trucks. One driver and two people picking up the trash cans, one bringing a fresh one while the other puts it back.
No, they surely didn’t just gain a foothold again. Many processes for “denazifizierung” were just a rubber stamping of the claims of the perpetrators. It’s so ridiculous and well known that the term “Persilschein” was coined because of it. High ranking judges in the federal courts were Nazi perpetrators that even by the standards back then never should have been able to hold a job in the justice system ever again.
Places like the BND or BfV were more like SS- and other Nazi perpetrator pension schemes. Himmlers daughter, glowing Nazi for her whole life, worked for the BND as a secretary in the 60s under a false name. And they knew who she was.
Also, a big part of the student protest in the late 60s also was that many of their professors were just plain Nazis. Law commentaries like the “Palandt” or “Schönfelder” were named after Nazis and the names just changed in 2021.
That process was a bad joke.
You can still NAT IPv6
Although I’m more of a Cenotaph or World Eater kind of guy.
They are Protestants. They already are as far as the Pope is concerned (IIRC).
Good old Bolt Thrower.
I should give them a listen again.
Yeah, but he’d have to eat there. Don y’all have laws against cruel and unusual punishments over yonder?
Didn’t read the article, did you?
Now it just needs a jeans shell.
IMO at this point WinAmp does not offer anything beyond name recognition and nostalgia. Isn’t qmmp essentially an open source version of WinAmp?
Even as nostalgia, I just tried out loading a winamp skin from the winamp skin museum someone linked further up with qmmp and it handles that just fine too. So I’ll be just using that going forward.
Oh, my trusty old Wolfplayer is on there too. Brings me back…
Nein, ich fürchte du musst diesen Raum auch mit uns LTS-Barbaren (und schlimmerem) teilen.
Schau doch erstmal ins Wiki!!!11
Jokus. Glaube es gibt keine extra Kommune für Bogennutzer mit Wegland.
No, that’s just his old friends.