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Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Depends on the piracy site. If you go to some of the pirate streaming sites or the blogs that host tons of pirated software with 30 rapidgator links that die after a month (instead of just using a torrent like a normal sensible person trying to share a 2-30+gb file that is begging to be taken down) without Adblock it’s absolutely comical how many ads there are. Even with Adblock those are the sites that manage to still have ads because they’re on the cutting edge of sketchy shit. It’s like seeing a late 90s to early 2000s website with how much random bullshit is pasted everywhere

    Despite that I’m pretty sure that Amazon, google, etc do far more nefarious shit behind the scenes in terms of tracking/fingerprinting you and collecting data to sell

  • It’s a trivial repair assuming that’s the extent of the damage and there’s not any quirks associated with an extremely complex medical device that has no documentation whatsoever. Like maybe after not having the controller’s power supply connected for such a length of time there needs to be a calibration process upon bringing it back to life that can only be done with proprietary software

    The biggest thing though is that by going in and fixing it yourself you open yourself to the possibility that the company will now say “oh this was worked on by someone else and that’s why it’s broken, we won’t work on it now”. That’s the state of repair rights in America, vendors are openly hostile to people who fix their own things even if they do it sufficiently. We used to have political representation that gave us regulations to allow us to work on and even modify our cars without impacting the warranty but that’s been eroded and there’s not really anything of that nature for tech stuff (other than judgements saying broken warranty seals don’t count for anything)

  • What kind of tv? For webos it’s potentially a bit complicated but also potentially stupid easy depending on which version of webos your tv has


    I would strongly suggest avoiding nvm even if it’s supported unless you’re very comfortable with hardware hacks. The others are all software and fairly easy to do if you’re capable with following instructions. The most recent, dejavuln, is fairly simple but can be a bit finicky (you may have to try a bunch of times) but lg is also rolling out patches for it so if your tv is updated you may be out of luck. It’s hard to say because the patches aren’t rolled out unilaterally. Webos is a bit confusing and there are many “branches” that all have similar features but wildly different numbering. If your tv is patched block updates by either disconnecting from the internet or blocking the above sites in your router and watch the webos homebrew discord (linked on that site). There are people actively researching new exploits and if one pops up it’ll be discussed in the discord first (and if it’s a big deal, like they expect it to be patched, they usually ping everyone to let them know to do it asap)

  • The important takeaway from this is that “supplements” have 0 oversight. The CBD, probiotics, vitamin d, etc that you buy could just be capsules of vegetable oil that does nothing at all. Or they could be asbestos and cyanide for all you know (that probably would lead to an investigation though). There’s also no safety regarding packing and handling, so it might literally be a guy with unwashed hands who just picked his butt loading your gelcaps in a dirty bathroom that someone just took a massive shit in. No one checks and verifies any of this and that’s why shills and hucksters jump onto this shit, it’s a completely unregulated market where can cut corners everywhere and say whatever you want as long as you include *not intended to treat any diseases and not evaluated by the fda

    A $1200 thing you buy on instagram that sends “good waves” to your brain? Supplement. The cbd you buy at the gas station? Supplement. Doterra oils? Supplement. No regulation, no oversight, just robbing people based on their desperation to fix chronic pain and mental illness

  • it was so good. I saw Ben folds, bright eyes, Tom petty, common, blackalicious, beck, Radiohead, Dresden dolls, clap your hands say yeah, bela fleck, and sonic youth. Maybe others but that’s what I remover looking over the schedule and lineup. The first night we showed up late and mainly just watched the comedy tent which was patton Oswalt and some others, demitri martin was there. I had planned it out and it went fairly well, thankfully I had been once before so I had some familiarity with the grounds. I was also in my early 20s which helped me with the whole “just keep going” and I slept till noon basically everyday which also helped. At some point I had a mild fight with my friends that I came with because they just wanted to spend some time camping and that felt like such a waste so I broke away and watched several acts alone

    I remember being really frustrated because I also wanted to see medeski, Martin, and wood, cypress hill, and golden but they played at they same time as beck, all overlapping each other to some degree, and all on stages that took a bit to get to. It was rough but I chose to get a good spot for beck and plant there for Radiohead after

    Now that I’m almost 40 though? no thanks. My max festival is 1 day and realistically I’m not going unless prices start coming down. 2024 bonnaroo lineup was decent but not amazing and was like 400-500 for the 4 day pass, minimum (although iirc resale eventually saw the price fall down a decent bit. Hope a lot of scalpers ate shit lmao). not even gonna start about the $1800 “vip packages”

  • The lineup was pretty solid, especially if you look at the full lineup, but that price is a bit much for a single day festival.

    We just keep getting fucked. I paid 160 for bonnaroo 2006 tickets because I got the first wave, I think the final wave was 190. That’s with fees and all. Adjusted for inflation thats $250-290. But that was a 4 day festival with Radiohead headlining, beck, tom petty, god tons of sick bands. It was imo the peak of bonnaroo

    Now this is $300 for a single day? It’s more after inflation for 1/4 the festival? I get that there’s savings in running a festival for multiple days so it’s not like cutting a 3 day to a 1 day means costs are cut by 2/3rd, but from my perspective as a consumer it looks like I am paying ~300% more than I did 18 years ago even after adjusting for inflation because I just don’t get nearly as much value for my dollars.

    I remember that bonnaroo and being like “Jesus this is so much money” and here we are with a show that’s 53% more expensive in raw dollar amount and 1/4 the length. Sigh.

    Was worth it though, that Radiohead set was insane. They played for over 2 hours. Also a few months later I got tickets for daft punks alive 2007 tour - $50 plus fees (which were like $14). At the time I thought it was the most absurd shit, so expensive. I almost didn’t go. I’m glad I did because it was the most insane concert I’ve ever seen in my life. But it’s funny because nowadays finding a major act that puts out tickets for $65 with fees is actually fairly tough.

  • I am a therapist. I take insurance but it’s a goddamn nightmare

    You either join a group practice (goodbye at least 40% of earnings) or you try to go it alone

    If you go it alone: hello navigating the maze of bureaucracy that is insurance credentialing and billing. Good luck! No real guidance here. There are some “tutorials” online but they’re super generalized because everything is very different on a regional level. Aetna in Atlanta is entirely different from Aetna in New Jersey. Then you can also play the game of “guess how much money I will make?” Because none of them tell you until you’re about to sign the contract (and some don’t tell you until after!). Or you can pay someone to do all this for you for like $1000. Also it takes months. Then you have to figure it all out again to figure out how to bill. Then you have to figure it all out again to figure out how to bill electronically because you bill on paper the first few times to get payments and then use the payment numbers to set up accounts to actually bill the normal way. Or again you can pay someone to bill for you for like 5-10% of your earnings.

    And all of this is while you’re a 1099 worker so no health insurance, paid time off, retirement, etc

    Alternatively you can in some places join a hospital system. These will sometimes pay you a salary and benefits but will usually pay a shit salary, crappy benefits, and give you a nightmare quota and ask you to supervise interns. Or work someplace like an IOP and run groups but again you’ll make like 40-50k tops with crappy benefits (and the student loan debt of someone with a masters degree). Plus a lot of those places will still keep you as a 1099, at least around here.

    So then the community mental health/medicaid agencies cry about why they can’t keep staff and the mental health crisis facing low ses communities (hint: it’s because you pay $30/hr as contract workers to people with 100k+ student loan debt)

    Then people run from those places to group practices and stay there for a bit but eventually bail because they take 40% of earnings

    Then they go independent and panel with insurers and it’s okay but also a fucking headache. They work 25 hours a week seeing clients and 15 hours a week unpaid doing paperwork to bill for said clients. All well and good except what the article wrote is all true, eventually you get a clawback where an insurance company is like “you wrote 90847 and you meant 90837, you could just correct and resubmit but we won’t allow that. You did it 15 times so we are demanding you return $8,000 thanks” also your quarterly tax payment is due tomorrow. Oh and your insurance billing has to be submitted timely but Aetna is 3 months late in paying you and owes you 6k. It will come, eventually, probably

    Also all that admin stuff they refuse to pay you to do? They pay grow and headway and alma and all those other vc backed tech bro companies that started during Covid to “revolutionize mental health” lmao. They pay them $30-40 a session to do it. Shoulda made a website milking off other therapists with a sob story about how you were depressed and had trouble finding a therapist bro, you could’ve been a multimillionaire instead of some dipshit making 65k with no retirement savings

  • I don’t know how people don’t get this. It’s utterly transparent, they didn’t make any secret of it. Their megadonors pulled donations, pelosi went and had a secret chat that was probably along the lines of “i have spoken to the oligarchs that fund us, if you insist on running your war chest will be paltry and the rest of the party will suffer in kind. Congressional races, local elections, etc will all be vastly underfunded because you decided to stay in the race. They are holding the bag and they want you out.” and then a few days later he announces he’s out after they coordinate things. Maybe he had a day or two where he had a pipe dream moment thinking he could grassroots fund it like Bernie and someone shot him back down to earth

    The specifics of their conversation are secret so that’s conjecture of course but the fact that the dnc’s large donors pulled their donations until he dropped out and that pelosi spoke to him about that fact are not. And then she gets spun as some “boss dealmaker” when really she’s just the mouthpiece of the elite ruling class, sending a message that their money dries up if they don’t get their way. Some deal making that is

  • Are you talking about haloperidol? It doesn’t really get used a sedative in emergency psychiatric situations but often gets paired with benzodiazepines. Sometimes one or the other. Sedative would more typically be Ativan. To be clear haldol does have some sedative effects but it is not typically used as a first line sedative in inpatient psychiatric settings; it’s a poor choice for this purpose because it has a fairly slow onset for sedative effects to be seen (~15-20m for many individuals)

    Haloperidol is used for acute psychosis and agitation. Ativan is used for sedation. Care has to be taken because benzos/ativan can worsen delirium, eg in an elderly patient, thus the use of haldol if they are agitated. Or you might use diazepam if you are intending a chemical restraint as this lasts longer than ativan. But this metabolizes via liver so you again have to be careful about pt, late stage alcoholic would get ativan bc metabolic pathway is renal. Additionally ativan alone be best fit for someone detoxing from alcohol who is agitated as the underlying cause of their agitation better targeted by benzos than haldol. Knowledge of pt is key. Of course that info is not always available unfortunately


    Project path explains rationale behind psychopharmacology for emergency treatment of agitation better than I can

  • If Russia is forcing this for all people with autism they are foolish but that is extremely unlikely and a reactionary response

    What is far more likely is that this is a treatment for extreme behavior in a small subset of people with autism. It is important to remember that autism is a spectrum and not everyone with autism is a secret stem genius who is just socially awkward. It’s actually kind of fucked up to keep projecting that stereotype. There are people with autism who are bad at math and science. There are people with autism who cannot speak. And there are people with autism whose cognitive and expressive deficits cause them to get so frustrated and irritable that they frequently become violent.

    That said it is crucially important to note that treating with haloperidol as a first line of defense is also very fucked up. That is a strategy that is basically saying “shut these kids up”. It is a strategy of sedation and a lack of concern over side effects. Haloperidol is admittedly safe and usually well tolerated but not always and is heavily sedating. Drugs like risperdal do not have nearly as much of a sedative effect, an arguably more tolerable side effect profile (weight gain and breast tissue accumulation/gynecomastia are the big ones), and allow the individual to maintain a better quality of life. And with either additional focus has to be on simultaneous clinical treatment to address skill deficits in stress management, executive functioning, etc as well as government policy to increase access to early intervention to decrease likelihood of future cases

  • The characters being ancillary and easily edited out/cut is by design so they can still use the movies in foreign markets that are hostile to lgbt rights

    If the gay character is only identified as gay in one scene where they say “I’m gay” or kiss for 10 seconds you can just cut that part out and still screen it in Saudi Arabia. Disney doesn’t actually give a shit about lgbt issues, they give a shit about what will sell

    Thus a prominent main character who is gay or a movie about a character coming to terms with queer identity is far less likely because that basically means they instantly lose out on much of the lucrative international market