Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.

  • 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • This is a weird one. On the one hand, we have Mozilla, the last remaining browser company not sucking at the teat of either Google or Apple and we all expect for Mozilla to somehow generate enough money to pay enough employees to stay competitive on the other hand we have the users who expect them not to do anything to try and leverage their userbase to create financial independence.

    The problem with Mozilla remains the same problem that they’ve had for a while. Mozilla doesn’t acknowledge the symbiotic relationship it has with its community and the community always over reacts, which means there’s a chasm where simple things should be easy but they’re not.

    Take this for example, Mozilla only had to have a public facing discussion about this and then go and do it anyway.

    Sometimes paying lip service works. But since they didn’t, you have people like OP who feel like something nefarious is happening and in the end Firefox users lose out as things like donations being pulled hurt.

    Mozilla already shows ads, as do all the other browsers, however unlike the other browsers, you have a fully functioning uBlock that can and will remove anything that the preferences don’t cover.

  • Based on the little experience I have of the way you talk about audio, I can say without a doubt that whomever you teach will count themselves lucky. You’re passionate and you speak clearly, not over complicating things nor dumbing them down. I’m going to definitely keep an eye out in the audio topics for your posts as well as keep my fingers crossed that you another chance to teach!

  • It’s funny you say that. I, as most people bought a bunch of CDs back in the day and ripped a bunch before I gave up my CD drive. At the time, storage was expensive and so I did what I could at the time with MP3. As storage gets cheaper (though not cheap enough for me to go lossless), I’d like to be able to upscale my music while keeping a similar file size and have my collection mature with me until storage becomes cheap enough for me to go lossless.

    I can’t be the only person who’s thought of this.