Welcome to the club.
Welcome to the club.
The wealthy are more reliant on a stable domestic environment than most, should fear chaos for the reasons you suggest.
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Is there not some flaw in this logic in that you are asked to decide if you wish to see a photograph before you have viewed it. Maybe we need an additional app on top of the Safety Core, called something like Android SneakPeek that lets you have a quick flash.
Their high morality was false, their allegiance was to wealth, their workers were enslaved and their genius was bought.
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It is hard for me to believe a president would fly in the face of international law, or just the law, or basic human decency, or sanity - but here is where we find ourselves.
I am unsure so much should be spoken of innovation here, good luck to those Chinese researchers but DeepSeek really only is KhatGTP.
I believe you could make an argument that those words are the highest ever spoken by humanity, the closest we have come to the Divine. I would not want those that felt that then to know how we speak today.
How about domestic then, we promise not to make domestic killer robots for urban pacification, read control. Unless the domestic population requires it of course. Or we deem it necessary ourselves, or we feel like it. Your compliance with this message is assumed by the act of reading it.
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
People are looking the other way as this is happening. What if camps are built to more efficiently process those involved, will anyone oppose it? I do not know if it will happen again but what this all shows is how it could and how readily people fall in line.
I remember when the motto was do no evil, now it is we promise not to make killer robots.
You only indulge in this sort of faff if you are having an existential crisis.
When it is easy everyone thinks they are Oskar Schindler but when it is hard most people are Hugo Boss.
You are very entrenched in blame led thinking, I know very well the cause of this and many other problems but I am far more interested in improving things for the majority than wasting time with accusations.
I am not even vaguely right wing, read some of my other posts. I only added that last part as it made me laugh but I removed it, I did like your ‘now you see the violence inherent in the system’ reply.
You put one toddler-minded crazy feck in command of the most devastatingly over powerful military the world has ever seen and everyone snaps back into a colonial mindset like its 1914.