Thunderbird for mobile is great! And in contrast to the gmail app, search actually works, lol
Thunderbird for mobile is great! And in contrast to the gmail app, search actually works, lol
Not really, no
DNS over TLS and similar are only encrypted to the first (local) DNS provider, and of course that provider knows the query as well.
It protects against 3rd-party eavesdroppers between you and your primary DNS provider, but does nothing for privacy beyond that.
Also getting rid of my T1 Diabetes and re-doing my transition, but yeah! Hedonism as well!
They blamed it on the communist party, yes. There were 8 parties represented in the Reichstag at the time though.
Spend the rest of my life on a Culture orbital or GSV? FUCK YEAH
Oh, agreed - I was just trying to engage with the hypothetical that “cool” was plastering all over this thread.
I have one big frustration with that: Your voice input has to be understood PERFECTLY by TTS.
If you have a “To Do” list, and speak “Add cooking to my To Do list”, it will do it! But if the TTS system understood:
The system will say it couldn’t find that list. Same for the names of your lights, asking for the time,… and you have very little control over this.
HA Voice Assistant either needs to find a PERFECT match, or you need to be running a full-blown LLM as the backend, which honestly works even worse in many ways.
They recently added the option to use LLM as fallback only, but for most people’s hardware, that means that a big chunk of requests take a suuuuuuuper long time to get a response.
I do not understand why there’s no option to just use the most similar command upon an imperfect matching, through something like the Levenshtein Distance.
From what you keep repeating over and over in this thread, it seeks like you think the German state should seize Tesla’s assets and sell them off.
That is an absolutely ridiculously unrealistic idea. But hey, let’s say you start campaigning for it TODAY. You start convincing all the “low average intelligence” people in order to get a sufficient portion of the population on board to sway politicians to seize Tesla.
(Note that this is not 50%; for example, legalizing abortions has had far wider support in the German population for a long time, yet it’s not happened so far.)
So let’s be really, REALLY optimistic and say, in 10 years you will be able to get a government voted in which enacts the seizure of Tesla assets, agaojat all corporate-backed influences and interests. And somehow change the Grundgesetz so Tesla can not spend years moving up the courts to prevent this.
Do you see how this does nothing TODAY? I’m all for the systemic change; go vote and campaign in that direction, but here, in this comment section you are not offering a realistic or timely solution. Should nothing he done until your “perfect” solution becomes workable?
Take a look at Kavita for selfhosting bools!
I’m sorry, but have you never had actual Cheddar?
I’m sorry but how is anyone this dense?
Yeah… asking myself the same question here.
The position of the German state on EU topics has not changed significantly through this election. The Ampel-Coalition, CDU, and SPD each have roughly the same position on Ukraine. The fact that Germany will most likely have a 2-party coalition going forward does not change ANYTHING in the European Parliament. Those elections took place in June 2024, and will not be held again until 2029.
That’s like saying “Oh, Oregon just had elections for their state government and the makeup of dems vs reps slightly shifted; this is huge for US foreign policy!”
Sure, it can be a mood indicator, but as stated above, the actual positions are more or less the same, and the German state being a bit more swift to act thanks to a 2-party coalition is irrelevant for the day-to-day business and direction of the EU, which is governed by supra-national institutions unaffected by Germany’s elections.
Plus, you’re so, so, so wrong about nothing changing in Europe. To not understand the power a two party coalition has versus a three party coalition is like intentionally burying your head in the sand.
The makeup and coalitions in the parliament of the European Union are completely unaffected by the German election.
Proper precautions and monitoring.
No coalition has been formed as of today. Germany was supportive of a Ukrainian EU membership before the elections as well. Nothing has changed on a European level after Germany’s elections.
But it just downloads to disk, you cannot click “play” in the app, finishing an episode doesn’t make it as watched, you do not retain the ability to “continue” playing,…
Why not? Have had it accessible via the Internet for 4+ years without incidents
We were talking about SwiftKey
Who knows?
Unless a piece of software is open source, you cannot know.
Fair… Sorry, I always forget how prominent Apple devices are in the US.