Did you send the model or pre-sliced files? Parameters like wall-thickness and vase/non-vase can have a huge influence on structural integrity.
Did you send the model or pre-sliced files? Parameters like wall-thickness and vase/non-vase can have a huge influence on structural integrity.
at least 100% infill
That’s true, sr.ht it not a drop-in-replacement, but rather a full on alternative.
I really like radicle though.
I use sourcehut, specifically because I like their web gui!
Do you know how access rights management work on radicle?
Last time I checked I could just add commits to any open PR…
Luckily, the main repo is different, having a canonical version.
I use sourcehut.
dd if=/dev/zero of=image.png bs=1k count=1024 conv=notrunc
Good question: https://github.com/styluslabs/Write/commits/master/LICENSE
Git integration support was added three weeks ago in 0.3.3 ^^
You still have to install it manually, but it will be a default plugin in an upcoming release.
What axis though?